A peek into our week!

This week has been so busy, but really good.  I hardly had time to post anything here on my blog, so here are some pictures of our week...

 * Ruy got new sunglasses, so of course Liam wanted sunglasses too.  They both think they are pretty cool in them.  And Ruy's pose was all his idea :)

 *Liam went on the "big boy" swing for the 1st time.  Nathan moved the swing down lower so that he could get on by himself.  He loves it!

 *Watching Tarzan for the 1st time.  Liam calls it Tarzy.  

*We had a really wonderful day at the park one day.  Then came home and spent the rest of the evening outside playing and grilling out.

*Ruy is wanting less and less pictures of himself these days.  I try not to push it on him, so I was thankful he let me get a few pictures of him this past week.  He even actually asked me to take of few :)

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