3/12 Montly Update On Liam

March 2014

- I accidentally called you Ruy one day.  You said "Not Ruy, that's me!"

- You love lemonade from Chick-fil-a.  You call it "memonade."

- You have started shaking my hand before you go to bed at night for some silly reason.  

- When I say "Liam, can I have a kiss?"  You say "Oh! Yeah!" and then you run over, grab my face with both hands, and give me a big kiss.

- I am still working hard to get you completely potty trained.

- You copy everything Ruy says and does.  Sometimes this is a good thing, sometimes a bad thing :)

- When you want something, you say "I just want that."  When I say "no", you will say "why though?"  I'm not sure where you picked that up from.

- You got a pair of aviator sunglasses.  You love them!

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