Happy 7th Birthday To My Little Man

Seven Years...

I can't even believe it has already been seven years since I held you in my arms for the very first time.  You weighed all of 7 pounds 14 ounces, and you were 20.5 inches long.  You had such dark black hair, dark eyes, and olive skin.  You were perfect.  I loved you so much before you were even born...but then I heard your cry, saw you, and held you for the first time.  Then...then I knew what love really was.

Over the past seven years, you have filled my life with so much joy.  God knew how much I needed you, and I am so thankful that I get to be your Mother.  Life would be so empty without you.

I am so very proud of you, and the person you are.  But you are growing up too fast.  I want to stop time and keep you little forever.

You are my world. 

I love you more than you will ever know.

Happy 7th Birthday Ruy

9 days before Ruy was born

1st time I held Ruy

1 Month Old

Five Months Old.  Elephant is still your favorite stuffed animal.  You sleep with him every night.

Duke has always been your buddy

Your 1st Birthday

1st Birthday April 10, 2008

You and your cousin/best friend Noah

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You and Duke...still buddies
Playing at our favorite park

Happy 2nd Birthday April 2009  (You loved your crocs. You wore them everywhere)
Your 1st ice cream cone

Out of diapers...so you moved up into a big boy backpack!

Your two best friends & cousins...Nathaniel & Noah
You were so precious at Mommy's wedding.

Happy 3rd Birthday April 2010

One of my favorite pictures of you ever! 

Showing off your muscles

Baseball game

Apple picking with Nathaniel

You loved Spiderman so much when you were 3!

You loved trying on Daddy's firefighter clothes
You have always been so silly

1st time ice-skating
So excited about being a big brother

Duke liked to wake you up

Happy 4th Birthday April 2011

Duke wishes you a Happy Birthday too!
Mother's Day... Baby Liam would be here soon!

 Photo Credit: Simply Serendipity Photography

1st time holding your little brother Liam

Photo Credit: Simple Serendipity Photography

1st Day in Pre-K

1st lego set you build by yourself (took you 2 hours)
You were just a little bit excited about taking pictures with baby chicks

Your 1st buzz!  I almost cried.
Your 1st tball game!

1st time at-bat
You stood so cute like this the entire season
Happy 5th Birthday April 2012

Ruy wanted a shark birthday party.  It was so cute and lots of fun.

You got your 1st game ball

You are in love with sharks so you thought it was awesome when we found a dead shark at the beach.

Dress up like a cow day at CFA

Pappy's work boots

Legos are your favorite toy ever

You wanted to do a photo session with Elephant.

Apple picking
First season of soccer

This was one of your favorite places to play when we went on our daily walk

First time you tied your shoes by yourself
Happy 6th Birthday April 10 2013



You wanted me to take a picture of you with all your favorite animals, so that I would never forget you or them.
Apple picking...it's always one of your favorite days of the year.

1st grade pictures.  This was your idea.   You are my sweet boy.

...And my silly boy!
Excited to have a new little sister soon.

Pumpkin Patch...another one of your favorite days!

You LOVE your new baby sister Alanna!  You are such a good big brother to her.
You lost your 1st tooth

You learned how to ride your bike without training wheels.

Photo Credit:  Heartlovephotography

Happy 7th Birthday - April 10 2014.