How I Missed The Entire Wedding Ceremony.

This past Saturday, my brother in-law got married.  If you've been a Bridesmaid in a wedding, you know how crazy weddings can be.  If your kids have been in a wedding before, you know how really crazy they can be.  Well our entire family was in the wedding.  My husband was the Best Man, I was a Bridesmaid, Ruy and Liam were ring bearers, and Alanna was the flower girl. 

The night before the wedding,  Nathan spent the night at the hotel with his brother.  He had a lot of things to help Mike with in the morning, so it was easier for him to be close to the wedding site.  My Mom came over the morning of the wedding to help me get ready.  She ironed all the kids clothes for me, and did my hair.  She was a huge help.  I might not have made it to the wedding on time without her.  I had to turn around twice to get several things I had forgotten.  

We got to the wedding site about 15 minutes before I had told Andrea (Mike's fiance) we would be there.  I had to nurse Alanna before going into the park, and get Liam dressed.  I decided to leave him out of his Tux as long as possible.  Alanna won't take a bottle so my only option was nursing, which meant I had to pretty much take my dress completely off in order to feed her.  I was really grateful to have my Mom with me because I couldn't get my dress unzipped without help.  Like I said, my Mom was a HUGE help to me the entire day.  I finished nursing Alanna, while my Mom dressed Liam.  We loaded up the stroller, and the wagon (Alanna was supposed to be pulled down the isle in the wagon) and headed into the park. 

We spent the next hour, rushing around, taking Liam potty, showing Ruy what to do, finding a place for the wagon, getting Alanna dressed, putting on my jewelry, etc.  11AM  arrived, and we lined up.  Alanna was with my Mom.  My Mom was planning on putting her in the wagon once the boys and I reached her.  It was a long walk down the isle, with several steps, so it was best to leave the wagon close to the front.  I was the last bridesmaid to start down the isle, and the boys came in directly after me.  Ruy was really nervous.  Liam was happy because he was carrying his rose.  He kept telling me the whole way down the isle "Mommy, my thlower smells like chocolate!"  Both the boys looked so adorable!

I reached the last row of chairs where the wagon was, but my Mom was still holding Alanna.  She whispered to me that Alanna wouldn't stop fussing, and wouldn't sit in the wagon.  I decided just to carry her down the isle, since I didn't have time to try to deal with her crying in the wagon.  Liam ran the rest of the way down the isle...straight to his Grammy (Nathan's Mom).  I thought he would scream the whole way down, so I was perfectly fine with him going to Grammy, and sitting on her lap happily the whole time.  I took my place, holding Alanna.  The pastor had just started speaking when I felt a warm splat on my feet. 

I looked, runny, poop was all down the side of my dress, my right leg, in my right shoe, and all over my toes.  I could not  believe this was happening!!!

I looked at my Mom like "what do I do?"  I knew the only thing to do though was to leave the ceremony.  I handed Alanna to my Mom, and we walked all the way up the hill to the reception hall.  I cried the whole way.  I had been so excited to see my brother in-law Mike, and his fiance Andrea get married.  I love Mike as if he were my real brother, so this wedding was really important to me.

Two of the ladies that were catering the wedding, helped my Mom and I get all the poop off of me.  They wiped my dress down, while I washed off my leg and foot.  Mom changed Alanna and washed my shoe.  Alanna didn't have one drop of poop on her dress!!!  It just ran right out of her diaper, and onto me!  My Mom tried to make me feel better by telling me that in 20 years, I would look back at this and laugh.  But at that moment, it didn't really help.  

We walked back down the hill to the ceremony to hear the pastor say "Therefore what God hath joined together, let not man put asunder."

I missed the entire wedding!

No one in the wedding party saw what had happened.  I'm glad Andrea didn't know.  A bride doesn't need to be worried about anything on her wedding day...especially not in the middle of the ceremony.

 I was able to take pictures with the wedding party.  We just hid the dirty part of my dress.  Alanna threw up on the front right side of my dress before pictures, so I just pulled my hair to the side to cover it up. I didn't end up getting an entire family picture because Liam was so over pictures, and his tux by the time I thought of it.  And Alanna threw up all over her dress.

I was really upset about what happened for about an hour, but then remembered...I'm a mother, and this is what happens when you're a mother.

What really mattered was that it was a gorgeous day!  My husband looked so handsome, my boys looked adorable, my baby girl looked absolutely beautiful, and Mike and Andrea were happily married!

Congratulations to Mike & Andrea!!!
I love you both so much.

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