
Five Months
April 14, 2014
13 Pounds 3.2 Ounces 25.5 Inches

You found your feet this past month.  They keep you pretty occupied.  You love to play with them while you are in your car seat, when I am trying to give you a bath, while I'm changing your diaper, or while you are laying on the floor.  You have only put your toes in your mouth one time though.  You haven't really realized that you have toes to suck on, as well as fingers.  Once you do, I'm sure that will keep you pretty occupied as well!  

You can roll from your back to your belly now.  I can't ever leave you alone on the bed.  You move around so quickly.  I'm sure it will only be a short time from now, and you will be trying to crawl.  You are so much smaller than your brothers were at your age, so I'm sure that is why you are moving so much more than they did.  

It's really hard to take pictures of you now.  You never want to hold still.  You squirm and roll around so much.  

You reached up and touched my face for the first time while you were nursing.  It was so sweet.  I love feeling your tiny little hands on my face.  You also started reaching for Daddy and me just this past weekend.  It made both of us so happy!

You got your first two teeth.  The bottom front right tooth came in on April 5, and the bottom front left tooth came in on April 7.  We didn't even know you were teething.  You have been sleeping anywhere from 6-12 hours straight at night, and you haven't been fussy at all.  I'm pretty sure, you are the best baby ever!  You look so cute with your two new teeth.  I love them.  

You make such a cute, silly face now that you have teeth.  Your bottom lip goes out to the side because you are trying to feel them.  

We try to give you teething toys to chew on, but you prefer either mine or Daddy's fingers,  your Bunny, or your blanket. 

You have started putting yourself to sleep a lot of the time.  For nap-time or night-time, I turn on your fan, turn off the light, and rock you while I nurse you.  Sometimes you fall asleep while you are nursing, but sometimes you are still awake when I lay you down.  I just put your blanket in your hands, and you lay in your crib happily, sucking your thumb.  And in about five minutes you are sound asleep.  You still take three naps a day...two 2-3 hour naps in your crib, and a small 30-45 minute nap in the evening, usually in the Ergo. 

Daddy and I still haven't given you any food...just a few tastes of some things.  We let you try a little bit of lemonade from CFA the other day.  You didn't seem to like it.  And you sucked on a cracker at Uncle Mike's wedding.  I was a little worried about the cracker though, so Daddy stopped letting you suck on it.  

You are so happy all the time.  You love to smile and laugh with us.  You get so excited when your brothers talk to you.  You love to hold Ruy's hand while we are driving in the van.  You don't like to be held over my shoulder.  You push your body around so that you are facing out.  You want to be able to see everything that is happening.  

With every moment that passes, Daddy and I love you more and more.  You have such a special place in our hearts.  We are so thankful God answered our prayers, and gave us a little girl!  

Happy Five Months Sweet Pea! 

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