1/12 Monthly Update on Liam

January 2014

Ruy woke you up on New Years Day when he got up.  You woke up like you usually do, needing to be held and snuggled by Mommy but you soon cheered up when you jumped into my bed with Alanna, and Ruy.  You had fun jumping on Bubby and kissing Baby Girl.

 We had a funny conversation at dinner one night...

Me:  "Liam can I eat your bellybutton for dinner?"  (Yes, moms' say weird things like this to their kids) :) 

Liam: "No!"

Me: "Why not, what does it taste like?"

Liam:   "NUTELLA!!" 

Liam LOVES nutella so it was super funny that he said that! 

You surprised me one day during school.  I told Ruy it was time to do our "pledges" and you started saying the Pledge to the American Flag!  I had no idea that you had been paying attention all the months that Ruy and I had been saying them before school!  You can't say all of it by yourself yet but almost all of it!  You're such a smart little boy! 

You played in the snow!  You didn't remember it from last year, so you were super excited about it!  You had such a fun time playing outside in it with Ruy.

You LOVE your little sister.  You are always saying "It's okay Baby Girl" when she cries, and you kiss her all the time.  You love to hold her but it usually only lasts a few second and then you are over it. 

You built a tall tower and kept knocking it over and yelling "CRASH!"

Ruy tried to teach you how to clean the bathroom.  You had lots of fun!

 You are such a funny little boy.... so full of energy and life!  I love you Pumpkin!

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