
Three Months 2-14-14
11 pounds, 23.5 inches

You started reaching for things.  You hold onto your favorite bunny now.  You like her soft ears.  You like to hold onto a blanket when you sleep.  I have been giving you your little brown blanket that is super soft and has your name on it.  You love to hold it and suck on it.  You suck on your hands.  You like it when I make clicking sounds with my tongue.  It makes you smile so big. 

 You got your first cold.  It was so hard to watch you cry and struggle to sleep because you felt so bad.  You went on the swing for the first time.  You sat in the Bumbo seat for the first time.   You went on your first big trip.  We took you to PA to meet Granny and Poppop.  

You nap 2-3 hours in your crib, twice a day most days and then you sleep in the ergo at least once a day.  You still usually go to bed in your crib at night, but after a few hours are in bed next to me the rest of the night.  

You celebrated your first Valentine's Day. You got your first rose from Daddy.  You smiled so big when he came over to you with your rose.  You are Daddy's girl.  

You did so well at your 3 month check up.  You rolled over from your back to your belly for the first time while we were there!!!  The doctor said you are VERY strong.  She said you are ahead of most 3 month old babies and that you are more where a 4.5 month old baby is.  You are growing so fast.  Daddy and I love you so much.  

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