Kids In The Kitchen

I love having my kids help me in the kitchen while I cook.  Since I spend a good part of my day cooking, it allows me to spend time with them and give them a love for cooking at a young age.  

Today we had egg sandwiches for breakfast, chocolate chip banana muffins for snack time, PB & J with apples for lunch, and Broccoli-Potato Soup for dinner.  I also made Banana Bread for a snack later on in the week.  So, like I said...I spend a good part of every day in the kitchen. 

While I was in the middle of making dinner, Liam decided he wanted to "stand", which means that he wants to help me in the kitchen.  I turned off Curious George and got him a chair to stand on.  I gave him the bowl of potato skins that I had peeled from the potatoes, an empty bowl, and some measuring cups.  I showed him how to put the skins in the measuring cups and move them from one bowl to the other.  Such a simple thing but he thought he was being such a huge help. He kept saying "sweet" and "oh my goodness" as he would move the skins from one bowl to the other.  I also spent some time teaching him how to say "potato" since he always says "tomato" instead. 

When I was finished making the soup, I brought his shopping cart into the kitchen and told him to play with his new fruit and veggies from Nana so I could wash the dishes.  My mom recently got him the Melissa and Doug fruits and veggies and he LOVES them.  My sister Selina gave him his shopping cart.  It was my niece's cart but when they sold pretty much everything they own to become missionaries, (that's a whole other post that I will do one day)  she gave that to him. He played with it constantly when we went to their house.  
He looked so cute, I had to quick grab my camera and take a picture (or 40) of him helping me and playing with his cart.  I didn't mean to take that many pictures but it can happen easily.  As I was trying to take a picture of him playing with his food, he picked up his potato and started throwing it at me!  I told him to stop but apparently this is great fun for a two year old boy and he continued to do it over and over....until it hit my camera lens and then I had had enough.  I took the potato from him and he moved onto shoving an orange down his shirt and shooting me with a pear! :) 

Having your kids help you in the kitchen really can be so enjoyable!  If you've never had your kids help you cook, I really encourage you to let them!  You don't know what you're missing out on!

About to throw the potato at Mommy...before I knew what was coming! 

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