A Break From The Snow

I don't know about you, but everyone in my family is ready for Spring.  I always tell people that I like it to be cold in November and December but come January 1st, it should be back to at least 70 degrees outside.  Unfortunately for me, this never happens.  But I will take the random 65 degree days we get in February and enjoy them while they last.  

Today was one of those random days.  It was so beautiful out today!  So after church, we came home, had lunch and then played outside for a while before nap time.  

I pushed Liam on his bike while I held Alanna in the Ergo, and then I put Alanna in the swing for the first time while Liam played on the slide.  Alanna was not too thrilled with the swing.  It only lasted a few minutes.  Maybe she will like it more in the spring when she can hold herself up a little bit better.  

The rest of this week is supposed to be cold and rainy so I'm going to look back at these pictures and  remember that Spring will be here before I know it...

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