Valentine's Day

I know many people who won't celebrate Valentine's Day.  They think it's silly and just another commercialized holiday to get people to spend lots of money on flowers, cards, and candy.  While I do understand what they mean, I have always enjoyed Valentine's Day and I do celebrate it with my family.  

I remember as a little girl always getting a single rose from my Dad on Valentine's Day and I loved it.  So it was really special yesterday morning when Nathan got home from the fire station and had a single rose for our sweet baby girl.  I think what was even sweeter was the beautiful smile that Alanna gave Nathan when she saw him walk into the room!  She is Daddy's girl!

Nathan bought me a beautiful rose bush.  I am SO bad at keeping plants alive but I am determined to actually not kill this one so that I can plant it in the spring.  He also bought me a bag of Lindor Chocolates but um...they are all gone already so I didn't get a chance to take any picture!  Don't least I am being honest! :)

The boys loved their Snoopy dogs that Nathan brought home for them.  Each Snoopy was holding a heart box with chocolate in it.  The chocolates didn't last very long.  They must take after their mother!  This was the only picture of the boys I could get because as soon as I took it Ruy ran off yelling "Liam hurry up and follow me before she tries to take another picture of us!"  :)  

Valentine's Day was also Alanna's three month birthday.  It's hard to believe that much time has passed already!  While I was taking her three month pictures, the boys wanted to get into a picture with her.  I couldn't convince Liam to let me take one of the three of them but I'll take what I can get.  I'll be doing a separate post on her three month milestones soon.  

My Mom came over and babysat for us that evening so Nathan and I could go out to dinner.  We hadn't been on a date since our 4th wedding anniversary back in August.  Needless to say, it was a much needed date night.  We took Alanna with us because I'm not quite ready to leave her yet. 

We had planned to go to Carrabba's for dinner but when we got there, they had a TWO.HOUR.WAIT!!!  
I laughed to myself, told the hostess thank you and we left.  We ended up going to a Mongolian Grill right across the street instead.  It was very good and we enjoyed ourselves so much.  My husband is an amazing man and I am so thankful that I am his wife! 

 I hope everyone else enjoyed their Valentine's Day as much as we did!


  1. Beautiful Lauren!! Love the pictures!

  2. Fun day and great pictures. I can totally see Ray telling Liam to hurry up and RUN! Lol....

  3. Thank you! Yes, Selina... that is pretty typical of Ruy :) Liam follows everything he does!
