1/12 Monthy Update On Ruy

I decided since I am doing monthly posts on  Alanna, I would also do monthly posts on the boys.  This will be a way to record fun things we did, funny things they said, and things they learned.

January 2014

You woke up New Years Day bright and early as usual and full of energy.  You jumped into bed with Alanna, Liam, and me and we welcomed in the New Year laughing and loving each other!

You did so well in school this month.  Your cursive is amazing and you have gotten so good at subtraction.  You recently got interested in wolves and we have enjoyed studying about them.  I love all the wonderful drawings of wolves you have done.

You love your new baby sister and are always so sweet to her.  You love holding her and making her smile.  You even put her to sleep one time this month. 

You have been dying to try out our ice cream machine so Daddy got it out and you two had so much fun making it. 

You built a tower taller than yourself and you thought it was the most awesome thing ever! 

You decided to teach Liam how to clean the bathroom.  You talked so sweetly to him while you taught him.  "Liam you want to help Bubby clean the bathroom today?!"  "Ok Liam, put the sponge here and scrub like this."  "No, don't put your whole hand in the toilet water, now we have to wash your hands really good."  "Good job Buddy, you are doing a really good job!"  I stood outside the bathroom and listened to you talk to him for a while and just smiled because it made me happy watching you be such a good big brother.  You were very excited after you two got done cleaning the bathroom.  You said "Mom, now I don't have to clean the bathroom any more!  Liam can do it now!"  You were not very happy when I told you that he was too little to do it on his own but you two could keep doing it together :)  

You had such a great time playing in the snow.  You went out and explored the woods behind our house for about two hours!  

January was a good month!  I can't wait to see what February has in store for you! 
Love you Muffin! 

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