26 weeks

 July 15, 2015

Weeks pregnant: 26
Weight gained: 26 pounds.  I weigh 138 right now and haven't gained any weight in FOUR weeks!  I'm really happy about that.  I've worked a lot harder on keeping up with eating healthy and I've stopped eating after dinner a lot.  I might have a dessert once or twice a week now after the kids go to bed instead of every night like I was. 
Gender:  Another sweet, snuggly, little Mommy's Boy! :) 
Maternity clothes:  Yes but still mainly wearing regular dresses, mostly from Target.
Sleep:  I'm sleeping pretty good still.  Some times I'm cramping when I sit up too fast in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom but other than that, sleep is pretty good.
Best moment in the past month:  Taking the kids to the Science Museum as a family.  My husband works a lot so we don't usually get to do a lot of things together but we took a special family day earlier this week before my husband went out of town and we just had a really great time.
Worst moment in the past month:  Nothing really comes to my mind which I guess is a really good thing.  The only thing I could think of was finding little nasty worms in my fresh berries that I picked but that is pretty minor :) 
Miss anything:  Not having to deal with the pain from my veins.  They are really painful and huge and I'm honestly really ready for them to go away.  The veins have been the only hard thing about this pregnancy and other than them I feel great.  I just wish they didn't hurt so bad.
 Movement:  Yes, all the time.  It's one of the most amazing things feeling your baby move inside of you and knowing this sweet precious miracle is growing inside of you.  I feel so blessed to be a mother.
 Cravings:  No cravings right now.  But I haven't liked to eat green peppers this whole pregnancy. 
 Queasy or sick:  No, just a little dizzy sometimes from standing too long or the heat getting to me.
 Looking forward to: Believe it or not, I'm looking forward to starting school again.  I'm working on getting all of our lesson plans and supplies together and I'm excited to get back into a good routine and spending time with the kids learning.


  1. You are about as adorable as they come!!
    What a sweet, sweet blog. Your kiddos are precious - I love reading about your menu plans and grocery budget.
    I am so inspired!!
    Blessings on you.

  2. Thank you Kristy! You are so sweet. I'm glad you enjoy the blog!

  3. Hey Lauren, where did you get your dress. Iv been looking for some cute shorter ones, it's already getting so hot in Hawaii.

  4. Stephanie,
    My dress is from Target. I bought it at the beginning of June. It is sold out online but it might still be available in some stores. Target has a lot of really cute dresses this year. That is where I am finding most of my clothes!

  5. Hi Lauren! I found the link to this on the THM facebook page and you are gorgeous! I'm enjoying reading all about your adventures. Is this your first THM pregnancy? Curious if you've seen a difference from previous ones.

    Dayla Dee

    1. Thank you Dayla! Glad you are enjoying the blog. Yes this is my first THM pregnancy. I've gained about the same amount of weight with this baby as my 2nd & 3rd but I'm still eating healthy and that's the important thing. My weight gain was really bothering me but recently realized that it doesn't really matter. I'm not over eating and I'm mostly eating on plan so I've come to peace with it. I know the weight will come back off after I have him. :)
