Mini Cheesecakes & Blackberry Peach Jam

I'm doing a real quick post this afternoon on two delicious recipes I made up the other night, then combined to form one fabulous dessert.  

Mini Cheesecakes with Blackberry Peach Jam

I've been craving cheesecake here lately so I went and made this recipe from The Laundry Moms.  These little things are SO easy to whip up.  The only change I made to the recipe was to use Golden Flaxseed instead of Almond Flour in the crust.  I also used cupcake liners in the tins to make it easier to get them out.  Now even with the liners, my cheesecakes still did not turn out as pretty as the original but it's the taste that matters right?!!! :) 

Then I made this recipe for the Blackberry Peach Jam.  The only change I made to this recipe was to use the Trim Healthy Mama Sweet Blend and not honey.  I used 4 cups of blackberries (from our blackberry picking trip), 4 peaches, 2 tsp of Sweet Blend, and 8 tablespoons of Chia seeds. I cooked it just like the recipe called for.  I filled three mason jars just under full so that I could freeze them.  This recipe turned out amazing.  It's thick and delicious.  It could be used for on top of cheesecakes, pancakes, waffles, toast, etc.  I love that it's sugar free and has no preservatives in it! :)  

Happy Eating!!!

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