4th of July, Sick Kids, Amazing Chocolate Muffins & My Menu Plan + Grocery Shopping List

Please excuse my very long title.  I had several things I wanted to post about but didn't feel like breaking it down into several days of posts, so I crammed it all into one post :)  

First thing is Happy Independence Day!!!  I hope everyone had a fabulous day and I hope that you escaped the rain and were able to enjoy some fireworks.  My husband had to work at the fire station again this year and Ruy is away on vacation with his Dad so it was just Liam, Alanna, and me.  But we've been dealing with some nasty sickness over at our house so there really wasn't any celebration going on here. 

You probably remember that Alanna was sick on Monday night.  She was still not herself on Thursday morning so I took her to the doctor.  My main reasons for taking her in were because even though her fever broke Wednesday night, she was still sleeping really bad, AND she was drooling non stop.  Alanna never drools and it just seemed really weird to me.  So I took her in and found out she has Herpangina.  I know...that name sounds terrible.  Basically it is mouth blisters.  EW.  A fever and vomiting are normal symptoms that go along with this sickness.  You get little red and white blisters all over the roof of your mouth, sides of your mouth, and sometimes under the tongue.  It makes it painful to eat and sometimes swallow.  Which is why Alanna was drooling so much.  She was obviously trying to avoid swallowing as much as possible and it also explained why she had not been eating very much.  

Yesterday, she was pretty much better...just a few blisters left in her mouth.  My husband was heading down to his parents house to fix their dryer and he asked for the kids and me to go with him.  He's been working a lot so I was excited for a fun family day.  Nathan's parents didn't know the kids and I were coming so it was fun surprising them.  We played out in the backyard...

  and had a picnic lunch.  

And I ate delicious ice-cream :)  

 Alanna was very happy and Liam seemed fine too.  

But then all of a sudden he got very emotional, kept crying, and then started saying his stomach hurt.  I realized he had a fever and assumed he had caught the same thing that Alanna had.  Sure enough, just a little bit later he threw up.  We let him take a little 30 minute nap while his Grammy (Nathan's Mom) rocked him on their porch swing, and then we packed up and headed home. 

 It takes us about 1 hour and 15 minutes to get home but we got stuck in horrible traffic and it took us over 2 hours to get home.  Thankfully both the kids slept for an hour!  They never ever sleep that long in the car.  Normally Alanna sleeps 19-21 minutes and then wakes up.  I'm not joking...it's like clockwork.  She always wakes up within 21 minutes.  When we got home we checked Liam's mouth and he certainly had blisters in his mouth.  Alanna finally slept through the night again Friday night and had no more blisters in her mouth when she woke up this morning!

Well since Liam was now sick I had to cancel my plans for Saturday of going blackberry picking with a friend of mine and her family.  And then going to the pool, a cookout, and fireworks with my best friend.  I was pretty bummed and felt really bad that Liam felt so yuck.  We spent the day just being at home and letting Liam rest mostly.  His fever was up to just a little over 102 right before I put him to bed so he was feeling pretty awful.  I'm hoping his fever breaks tonight and he has a better day tomorrow.  His mouth hurts pretty bad right now and he didn't eat any dinner.  I'm thankful Alanna is all back to normal and is her happy playful self again. 

Today I did get to make the best Chocolate Zucchini Muffins ever!!!  Seriously, I ate four of them.  They are not on plan with Trim Healthy Mama if you follow THM, but they are very healthy and if you follow a Clean Eating Diet than these are for you.  My kids loved these and they are most definitely a new favorite.  I'm going to make more tomorrow since I have some leftover zucchini that I need to use up.  

I followed the original recipe exactly except for I added 2 tsp of the THM Sweet Blend just to make it a tad sweeter.  When I tasted the batter I felt like my kids would like it a bit sweeter.  The Sweet Blend is amazing.  It doesn't leave a bitter aftertaste and you only have to use a small amount to make things sweet.  

Anyways...make these muffins.  They are moist, delicious, and they taste as good as chocolate cake only without all the sugar.  

And now here is my Menu Plan for this week. 

L- Creamy Tomato Soup & Grilled Cheese (Crossover)
D- Leftover Black Bean Soup (E)

B- Overnight Oatmeal (E)
L- Chicken Fajitas (E or S...depending on my toppings)
D- Leftovers

B- Me: Muffin In A Mug Kids (S)  Kids: Banana Muffins
L- Broccoli Cheddar Soup (S)
D- Chili (E)

B- Scrambled Eggs & fruit (S)
L- Leftover Broccoli Soup (S)
D- Leftover Chili (E)

B- Me: THM Pancakes (E)   Kids:Whole Wheat Banana Pancakes
L- Bean & Cheese Quesadillas (E)

B- Overnight Oatmeal (E)
L- Homemade Chicken Nuggets, Smoothies (S)
D- Taco Bake (S)

B- Ham & Cheese Omelets (S)
L- Me: Turkey Sandwich  (E) Kids: PB & Jelly Sandwich, fruit
D- Homemade Mac & Cheese, Veggie (S)

String Cheese
Cheddar Cheese
Apples & PB

 And here is my grocery shopping list & prices:

Sam's Club 

Strawberries $3.98
60% Chocolate Baking Chips  $7.98
Yeast $4.49
Half & Half  $1.82
Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips $8.98
Blueberries $5.98
Bananas  x 2 $1.39 each 
2% Cottage Cheese $3.38
Sourcream $3.89

Total + Tax = $44.36

(Not pictured: yeast...I forgot to include it)


Kroger Old Fashioned Oats
Body Fortress Protein Powder (Only my husband uses this.  I use Swansons)
Baking Soda
Apple Cider Vinegar
Hunts All Natural Ketchup (I want to start making my own)
Dreamfields Angel Hair Pasta
Kroger Freezer Ziplock bags
Kroger Black Beans x 3
Kroger Kidney Beans x 2
Baking Cocoa
Bryers Carb Smart Ice Cream
Kroger Whole Milk
Kroger 18 Count Eggs x 2
Gala Apples 4.12 lbs
Sweet Onions x 2
Grapes 1.75 lbs 

Total + Tax = $76.61

Oxyclean & Ziplock Bags from House Items Fund $11

I also spent $6 on toothpaste at Wal-Mart the other day for the kids.  

So $77 leftover from my previous shopping trip last week for the house items fund.


Total leftover $60 (House Items Fund)

Totals for Grocery Shopping:

Sam's $44.36
Kroger $65.61
 Total $109.97

So my goal was was to stay under $125 and I did well with that again this week.  

Well sorry again that this post was so long.  I hope you found something helpful though and again Happy Independence Day!!!

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