A Year Of Liam {Saying Goodbye To Three}

Three was an awesome year.  You grew so much and we had an amazing time!  You are so sweet, energetic, funny, snuggly, silly, and you just melt my heart every time you look at me with those beautiful blue eyes.  I'm not ready for you to turn four and start pre-school and grow up even more but you are so excited about getting "bigger".  You want to be big like Ruy.  You want to do everything he can do.  You stand on your tip toes and tell me to look at how big you are.  Don't rush it my love.  You will be "big" before you know it.  I love you so much and can't wait for every moment I get to spend with you!

July 2014 

*On your 3rd Birthday

*You love watering the flowers. 

 August 2014

September 2014

*Wearing Daddy's Shirt

*Playmobil with Ruy

*Trying to kiss Alanna & show her a flower...she almost ate it! 

*My heart melts into a thousand pieces when I watch you sleep.  You are so beautiful. 

October 2014

*The State Fair

*The Zoo with Ruby (Your future wife :) 

*Finding a letter from Daddy when he was in China. 

*So typical of you :) 

 *Apple Picking...One of your favorite days of the whole year!

*The Pumpkin Patch
Another one of your favorite days!

*Your bear hat.
Another hat that you love. 

November 2014

*You & Ruy and Duke...racing to see who can reach me first!

 *You are so precious.  Your cuteness is overwhelming :)

*We cut our Christmas Tree for the 1st time.  You & Ruy loved it!

December 2014

*Trip to visit your cousins!

*Quiet-time with Ruy

*Another hat, just on backwards! 

*Christmas Cookie Making Day

 *Candy-Canes & Alligator Slippers

*You were obsessed with mittens this past winter.  You always wanted to wear them whether you were outside or not.

January 2015

February 2015

*Waiting for Daddy to get home from work.

March 2015

*Baseball in Pjs and snow boats...sounds fun to me!

April 2015

May 2015

*Your new straw hat. I couldn't believe you were willing to give up the falling apart straw hat that you loved so much.

June 2015

*Your favorite Hungry Caterpillar PJS.

July 2015

*Blackberry Picking

*Helping Ruy mow the grass

*After blowing bubbles in my face

*"Taking a rest" as you like to say while at Jamestown. 
You look so little in this picture.  

*Your last day of being three!

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