Almost A Week Without Daddy, Blueberries & Free Chick-fil-a

Today my husband left for an almost week long trip for work.  It's been a long few weeks.  He went to Mexico on a missions trip for a week and then since he got back on Father's Day, he has worked a lot between the fire station and his part time job.  I am so thankful for how hard he works and how he provides for our family, but it doesn't make me miss him any less.  So my heart is a little heavy tonight as I type this because I'm missing him a lot.  And a shout out to all the military wives, other fire fighter wives, and police wives, whose husbands are gone a lot and you're missing them tonight too!  

Today after Nathan headed out on his trip, I took the kids to a local berry farm and we picked blueberries.  We actually had to try twice to go picking because the first time, we got half way there and it started pouring down rain.  So after we got home and waited about 30 minutes, it stopped raining and we were able to try again and it didn't rain the rest of the day.  :)  

I love blueberry picking but in the heat and being big pregnant it was somewhat of a challenge for me today.  I had big plans of picking tons and tons of blueberries but after about 45 minutes of picking blueberries, eating blueberries, and keeping up with three kids, I had a little less than half a bucket of blueberries.  Alanna was getting cranky and I was dizzy from the heat so we decided to call it a day.  But we still had a great time and I'm so glad the rain held off so we could go!  

Alanna loves blueberries so she loved picking them and eating them even though she spent most of the time getting into all of the water bottles and trying to dump them out.  Liam ate almost every berry he picked and then was pretty sad when I said it was time to go and he didn't have a full bucket :)  Ruy spent most of the time throwing blueberries up in the air and then trying to catch them in his mouth.  

Later today we all dressed up like cows and headed to Chick-fil-a for "Dress Like A Cow Day" to get some free chicken.  I'd do just about anything for a free meal at CFA :)  Not really...but I will happily dress up every year for Cow Day!  

Liam was totally excited about it this year but Alanna tore up her ears before we even got into the van.  She kept pulling off her spots and then handing them to me telling me they were broken.  Ruy was a big help cutting out all the spots for me and he painted his and Liam's nose.  I look pretty silly but it is what it is :)  

I hope everyone else enjoyed some free chicken at Chick-fil-a as well! 

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