My Menu Plan + Grocery List & Spending Budget

So if you missed my last two posts on my menu plan & spending budget you can find them here and here.  But I have been trying to stay on a budget of $125 a week on groceries and $100 for the month on house items & dog food.  I have stayed on budget so far the past two weeks with groceries and I had $60 leftover to spend on house items.  

I didn't buy a lot of things this week because we didn't need a whole lot and I'm going to be out of town two days this coming week staying with family.  We're also going blueberry picking and I wanted to leave enough money to be able to buy a bunch of fresh blueberries!  YUM.  

We also starting today, started buying fresh eggs from a local farm.  I spent $10 on the eggs we bought this week. We are SO excited about this.  The boys were jumping up and down to see the eggs and just loved that so many of them were brown.  They are so pretty and I'm really happy about having fresh eggs to eat every week now!  

Here is how my spending went this week and what I bought. 


Toothbrushes for the boys $4.29
(since the kids were sick last week I wanted to make sure they had new brushes) 
...I also realized that toothbrushes are really expensive at Target and I probably won't be buying them there any more.  As much as I don't like Wal-mart, they are about $2 cheaper there. 

Sam's Club:

2% Milk- $2.88
Skim Milk - $2.61
Cheddar Cheese - $ 12.12
String Cheese- $7.98
Romaine Lettuce- $3.98
Bananas- $1.39
Blue Corn Chips - $5.98
Peanuts- $5.98
Sonic Toothbrush Heads - $28.88

Total after tax $ 74.98

*The toothbrush heads aren't a part of the grocery budget...
 so I spent $56.10 on groceries this week. 

And I spent $33.17 on household items.   

So I have $26.83 left for house items until July 23.  

And here's our menu for this week:

B-  Me:  Cinnamon Muffin In A Mug with Cream Cheese Frosting (S); Kids: WholeWheat Banana Muffins
L- Leftovers (S or E)
D- Homemade Pizza & Salad (E) (Everyone)

B-Me: Trim Healthy Mama Pancakes with yogurt & fruit (E); Kids: Whole Wheat Banana Pancakes (I have these already made and in the freezer)
L- Fruit, cheese, lunch meat, hard boiled eggs (S) We have a cook-out/baby shower to go to so I'm keeping lunch simple.
D- Baby Shower Cookout (I'm bringing a side dish)  

L-  Packed Lunch for Museum (We're having a family day at a museum and will be packing lunch)
D- Chicken Tacos/Chicken Salad (Sour Cream or Greek Yogurt, cheese, re-fried beans, lettuce, tomato, salsa)  Lately my husband and I have just been eating Taco Salad instead of using shells or wraps.  It cuts down on the carbs and the cost of buying/making shells. 

Tuesday -
B- Scrambled Eggs, smoothies (S) Everyone
L- Grilled Cheese Sandwich with fruit  (Crossover from the cheddar cheese & bread) Everyone
D-  Dress Like A Cow @ CFA (Cheat)

Wednesday - We're going out of town to stay with my husband's parents for the night.
B- Me: Trim Healthy Mama Pancakes with fruit & yogurt (E); Kids: Whole Wheat Banana Pancakes (From Freezer)  
L- Packed lunch at the beach
D- Eating at Nathan's parent's house.

B-  Eating at Nathan's Parent's house
L- Eating at Nathan's parent's house
D- Eating at Nathan's parent's house.

B- Ham & Cheese Omelets, fruit (S) Everyone
L- Turkey paninis, yogurt with fruit (E) Everyone
D- Homemade Pizza & salad (E) Everyone


 -String cheese
-Fruit (we have apples, a few slices of watermelon, some strawberries, and blackberries left from last week.  Plus I have some frozen fruit in the frig & we're going blueberry picking)
-Carrots & Ranch (Carrots were leftover from previous shopping trip and really need to be eaten.) 
-Granola Bars (I'm hoping to make an on plan granola bar this week or at least one that is all whole foods for the kids to eat) 
-Yogurt (I make homemade yogurt every week)
 One confession before I go... I ate at Chick-fil-a twice for dinner this week.  Last night we went out of town unexpectedly and had to eat out and then I went grocery shopping tonight and instead of coming home and eating leftovers like I should have...we ate out again! :(  This was not a good thing since I'm desperately trying to cut back on eating out.  I'm really going to push harder on this issue this coming week and will hopefully have better news to report on not eating out.  Dress Like A Cow day is on Tuesday so we will be doing that but our meals will be FREE :)  so that is the only time I am planning on eating out this coming week. 

Well that is all for tonight.  Please let me know if you have any questions! 

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