Ruy's Home-School Curriculum for 2015-2016

It's hard to believe it's already time to start school again but it is.  Ruy's last day of 2nd grade was on May 8th so we've had close to three months off from school.  Ruy's been asking for about three weeks now if we can start school so he's very ready to get back into it.  My goal was to start this week but our week ended up being packed with a lot of things to do so we're starting this coming Monday, August 3rd.  I'm excited and looking forward to having another really great year.

Here is Ruy's Curriculum:

Ruy: 3rd Grade
  • Daily Learning Notebook:  We started this in 1st Grade and Ruy really likes it. 
  • Art: My Father's World Countries and Cultures
  • Bible:  My Father's World Countries and Cultures
  • History:  My Father's World Countries and Cultures
  • Science:  My Father's World Countries and Cultures
  • Literature:  My Father's World Countries and Cultures
  • Math: Horizons 3rd Grade
  • Spelling/Vocabulary/Poetry: Abeka 3rd Grade
  • Reading: BJU Reading Grade 3:  This edition is no longer printed but it's what I used as a child and I loved it so much so I bought it used off of ebay.
  • Music:  Piano Lessons & Ruy will be learning about Music Around the World through My Father's World.
  • Handwriting:  BJU Handwriting 3
  • Spanish: Duolingo (We're having Ruy do one lesson a few days a week.  Each lesson takes about 30 minutes.  This is a free program and I think it's great just to get him introduced to some Spanish. He also really likes it.)
  • Sports:  Ruy does baseball in the Spring & soccer in the Fall. 
*We absolutely love My Father's World.  It's so much fun and I love learning right along with Ruy.  Liam enjoys it as well and always sits with us while we do it.  I ordered him his own set of student sheets this year so he can work on whatever Ruy is working on.  The lesson plans are so great in this curriculum.  They are all written out and so easy to follow.  There are also empty spaces for Language, Math, Reading etc. so that you can fill out the rest of your lesson plans along with My Father's World.  I highly recommend this curriculum!

I use the Ikea Kallax shelves in my dining room/living room to hold all of our school supplies.  Ruy has his own basket with all of his books & supplies.

Here are most of his school books.  He also has a journal and a sketch book in his basket, along with some sight word flash cards, dry erase markers & pencils.  His History and Science books are in another basket.

I decided to use one big zipper folder for all of his papers this year.  I thought that having everything in one place would makes things easier on everyone.  He is really excited about using this folder this year.

In the front pocket are some of his supplies for History.

And then after the first tab divider is where I'm keeping his "Daily Notebook"

After that is his My Father's World Student Sheets.  I went ahead and hole-punched them all and put them in his folder rather than keeping them in a separate place and giving him a sheet each day. I did it that way last year and I feel this will be a lot easier.  Then once we do a sheet, he can place it after the next tab divider.

Well that's it for Ruy.  I'll be doing another post soon on Liam's Pre-K curriculum and busy-boxes. If you have any questions, please leave me a comment below!


  1. I would LOVE to know what you thought of MFW Grade 2?
    I used MFW for K and now again for Grade 1 but we are in Canada and I know the focus in Grade 2 is US History.....while a lot of US History is North American History and is applicable I'm wondering how heavy it is and if I would need to subsidize it with my own Canadian material also or is it more of a big overview? (i love how the lessons are all laid out for me and there is very little prep as I don't have the time or energy for that and it's not my strong suit but I don't want to but something if I will have to end up rewriting most of it) Congrats on your baby boy! Baby #4 on the way here too-all girls!
    Also, in Grade 1 (and I think grade 2 the LA/reading/spelling are all combined in the same curriculum- sounds like that is not so for Grade 3?

    Would love t hear your thoughts as I don't know anyone else who uses MFW!!

    PS : I followed you here from your posts on THM FB page...

    1. Hi Kerry,
      So glad you found my blog! I loved MFW for 2nd grade. I love how MFW is all laid out and lesson plans are so easy to follow as well! It's one of the big reasons I use it. It's fun and love that kids of different ages can use it.

      I believe that the 2nd grade has recommendations for spelling, math, reading etc with lesson plans written out. I just prefer to use other curriculum in those areas.

      2nd grade does focus on each of the states. We loved it but I don't believe it talked about Canada. However, we're doing 3rd grade right now and we are in the middle of learning about Canada right now. You could always just skip us history this year and do world history and spend a little extra time learning about Canada since that is where you live. Then do US History next year. Or do US History this year and next year when you do World History, spend an extra month or however long you feel you need and add in some extra things about Canada and do a lot of fun field trips and such.

      I hope that helps!
