100 Days In School {2nd Grade}

Yesterday was Ruy's 100th day in Second Grade!  
For the past two years since Kindergarten, I have printed out a chart and we keep track of how many days we have done in school.  When we reach the 100th day, I try to remember to plan something special to do on that day.  This year, we decided to take the kids to the Children's Museum on Thursday, and then on Friday (today) we invited Ruy's really good home-school friend and his family over.  

I'm so very proud of how hard Ruy is working this year.  He is an excellent reader and does so well in Math.  His drawings are just about the cutest thing you have ever seen and he can make up some pretty great stories!  He is so smart, silly, and so kind.  He is a wonderful little boy and I'm so thankful I get to be his mother and teacher.  

Yesterday morning, we did a half of our school day before heading to the Children's Museum.  We packed a lunch and stayed for about 2 hours.  The kids had so much fun.  My husband doesn't get to go with us a lot since he works so much but we were all so happy he was able to come with us this time.  

Ruy and Alanna seem to have this special bond.  She really just adores him.  He always makes her laugh or smile...even when she is sad he can usually cheer her up.  I have a feeling that she is really going to look up to him as she gets older.  I know Ruy will do an awesome job at being a good role model for her.  

Alanna loved riding the car ride with Daddy. 

Ruy said his favorite part of the museum was building block towers with Daddy.  Alanna liked knocking them over.  Liam said his favorite part was wearing the real yellow fire helmet.  I forgot to get  a picture of it though.  He has been in love with all things fire fighter for a long time....I think I may have a fire fighter in the making.  Oh my, he would be one handsome fire fighter.  I'm not ready for him to grow up though any time soon! 

After we got home, Ruy finished up his school and then we headed outside for a little fresh air.  It was a little chilly but not enough to keep us inside.  I hate being cooped up all winter, so I try to get outside with the kids every day, even if it's only for 20-30 minutes. 

Our outdoor adventures usually begin at the swings.  They all three love swinging! 

Lately, Ruy spends more time pushing Alanna rather than swinging himself.  He loves loves loves his little baby sister. 

Once the boys decide swinging is over, they usually start racing each other from the shed to the swings.  I normally join in with them.  I have to slow down and let Liam win sometimes so that he doesn't feel bad about not being as fast as Ruy.  Ruy is so fast he can outrun me sometimes.  They also like it when they race from the shed to me.  Then I have to count and see how long it takes for them to get from the shed to me.  Ruy gives me a huge high five as he passes by me...Liam just plows right into me! :) 

Then after racing they usually want to slide for a while. 

.....or wrestle each other.  They even got Alanna in on the wrestling this time. 

And the newest addition to our outdoor adventures is playing "woodpeckers."  Liam has everyone find a stick and then we have to bang it up against a tree and pretend we are woodpeckers.  He thinks it is just about the greatest thing ever and is happy to spend 30 minutes or more just pounding away on the trees in our yard.  I love kids imaginations. 

Our 100th day of school was definitely a success! 

Then today, Ruy's friend Luke and his mom and sister came over for a little bit.  The boys had a blast out in the woods, playing legos, eating homemade pizza, and devouring  decorating  cupcakes.   :)   Luke's mom and I have become good friends and we enjoyed the conversations we were able to have today...even though they were very often interrupted by the kids.

I wish I had used my "big girl" camera to take pictures of them decorating and eating these but I totally forgot. 

I'm so thankful for how God brought this sweet family into our lives last year!  Ruy and Luke get along so well and I love that he has another home-school boy his age to play with!  

Ruy said that the last two days were so fun and he felt so happy!  

Love you Sweets!  Keep up the good work! 

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