Snow Day Fun

The boys were so excited this morning when they woke up and saw all the snow on the ground.  I was born in PA and lived there until I was six, so it still makes me giggle when I see my boys getting all excited over little flurries and thinking it's so much snow!  But still, even with just a little snow they were overjoyed and they barely finished chewing their lasts bites of oatmeal when they were rushing off to get all their snow gear on.  

I couldn't find Liam's waterproof mitten in the glove box we keep at the top of our hall closet and I was beginning to worry that I might have a terrible three year old melt down on my hands, when I found it laying on the top shelf of the closet next to the glove box.  I was so thankful at that moment.  Liam screamed "you found my other mitten yay!!!" and all was right in the world again :) 

They played outside for two whole hours.  I hate being cold...even for 2 seconds, so I'm not sure how they managed to stay out in it so long but I sure didn't mind.  With the rainy days we've had this week they were both so tired of being cooped up in the house.  They really needed to burn off some energy.  They didn't even want to come in at 10AM when I called them in but we needed to start school.  They warmed up with some hot chocolate and munched on peanuts while I read them our Bible lesson.  By the time I got started with our History lesson at 10:30, the snow was almost completely melted.  The boys were so happy I had let them go out to play before starting school. 

The rest of the day was pretty relaxing.  


Quiet time...the boys found the dress up clothes during quiet time and when they were all done...this is how they came out.  They are too cute!

They watched  Magic School bus and had their "treat" for being so good in quiet time. 

Then they played Cowboys & Doctors while I cleaned my bathroom. 

All that doctoring made Liam thirsty.

And playing Cowboys made Ruy want to draw a picture of his new cowboy gun.  He's so cute I can barely stand it.  Some days he looks so grown up but then I look at this picture and realize he is still so little, sweet, and innocent.  I love him so much.

We had turkey and bean tacos for dinner.  We love our tacos!  And Alanna takes eating beans very very seriously.  

Well that was how our first snow day of 2015 went.  I hope everyone else had a wonderful day as well!

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