Our Weekend

Fridays have become grocery shopping day in our house.  I used to grocery shop on Monday mornings and then do school with Ruy in the afternoon but everyone was always so exhausted after running around 3 different grocery stores, that just the thought of doing school was overwhelming.  So a few months ago, I switched things up and started going on Fridays after we finished school.  So far it is working out really well.  I usually have 2 smaller grocery trips each month and then 2 larger trips where I have to go to Sam's Club, Kroger, and Walmart.  It usually takes me about 3 hours to get through all our shopping, including driving to all the stores and home.  I always take all three kids with me.  I think I have gone grocery shopping maybe 3 times by myself in the past 3 years.  It doesn't bother me though.  The kids keep me company and believe it or not...they are usually really good.  We kind of have a good routine going on and they all know what to expect.  Our potty breaks are even pretty routine.  Anyways... I could do a whole post on our grocery shopping trips but I'll save that for another day.  

So...Friday after school we went grocery shopping.  We got home at 4PM.  I rushed all the kids inside and got Alanna down for a nap.  Nathan and I were leaving for a date-night at 5:15PM, so I wanted to make sure Alanna got a decent nap in otherwise she would be miserable for my Mom.  She has been cutting teeth for about 1.5 months now and I'm really ready to have a break from it.  I'm sure she is too.  She has had 4 teeth come in since the second week in December but she started teething at the end of November.  Her sleep schedule has been all over the place, her nose is constantly running, her gums are all swollen, her appetite has been so low, and she has been way more clingy to me than she usually is.  

While she slept, the boys watched a Wild Kratts, and I unloaded all the groceries (in the freezing cold), and got it all put away.  I made a homemade pizza for the kids and my Mom, and then took 3 minutes to freshen up.  Nathan got home at 5PM, my mom arrived at 5:30PM and we headed out to Cheesecake Factory.  We had a really great time.  I ordered shrimp tacos and the waiter said that the spicy sauce came on the side but of course it didn't...it was all over the bottom of the tacos.  I didn't realize it and burned my mouth so bad.  I broke out in sweat and had to have them remake them for me.  I felt so bad for complaining but there was no way on earth I could eat those.  I can't really handle anything spicy.  We got our cheesecakes to go since we were so full from dinner. We got the kids all tucked in bed and then enjoyed our time watching a show and eating cheesecake. 

Saturday morning, Nathan was busy with meetings, training, and taking his Series 6 test.  He is studying to be a licensed Securities Broker.  He has his own office now and will be licensed after he passes one more test.  While he was busy with all that, we headed out to visit with Nathan's parents.  We went to an indoor water park at one of the military bases near where Nathan's parents live.  The water was no where near as warm as I had expected it to be so we only stayed and swam for about 45 minutes.  The kids got too cold to handle it any longer.  After we got all changed, we went to a war museum on the base.  The boys were so excited to see all the jeeps, soldier uniforms, guns, and trains.  

While we were going through the museum, Nathan called and said that he had passed his Series 6 test!  I was so excited.  He studied for that test for weeks and we both prayed for a good passing grade.  Nathan's parents decided to drive up where we live so that we could all eat together and celebrate. 

Sunday I had nursery and Nathan had class with the 7-11 year old kids.  Alanna was SUPER cranky from her teeth coming in and followed me around the nursery crying almost the whole time.  It's so unlike her.  I'm ready for my sweet, happy, always smiling baby girl to be back.  We had my brother over for lunch and then had Small Group that evening.  I climbed into bed at 9:45 Sunday night feeling pretty exhausted.  I pretty much went non-stop from Friday morning until Sunday night and with the lack of sleep I had been getting from Alanna being up all night, I decided an early bedtime was much needed.  

She ended up sleeping through the night Sunday night so I was pretty much overjoyed by that when I woke up this morning! But today is for another blog post so I'll end this lengthy post now!  I hope y'all had a wonderful weekend as well! 

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