Alanna's 1st Words

Since Alanna turned one, she has grown and learned so much and so quickly.  The week of her first birthday she started walking 10+ steps at a time and then within two weeks she was walking around with no problem.  She now runs around the house chasing her brothers and getting into everything that she can possibly get her hands on.  I have locks on the cabinets in the kitchen and a lock on our tv stand.  I just went to Babies R Us tonight and bought a gate for our hallway so that I can start keeping all my bedroom doors open again.  I have to keep every door in the house closed or she will get into each room and take out every toy, book, stuffed animal, or bathroom cleaning supply that she can reach.  Today, I even found her in the boys' room on top of Ruy's desk scribbling on Ruy's math paper.  She looked up at me like this was a totally acceptable and normal thing. 

She has cut 5 teeth since the first week in December.  It's been not so fun for either of us.  Her nose is always runny and her sleep has been not so great.  She is up 2-3 times a night most nights and then once a tooth breaks through she will sleep through the night for a few nights but then she's back to waking up a bunch. 

She all of a sudden decided last week that she would start saying words!!! On the 12th she said her FIRST word. She waved and said "bye-bye."  She now says it every time someone leaves.  Of course she waits until after they have left to say it though.  Her voice is the sweetest little thing.  It is so soft and girly.  Then on the 15th she  said "da" for Dad.  It melted both my heart and my husbands to hear her say his name!  Then yesterday she pointed at our dog's water bowl and said "no-no" and then later that night I was playing with her with her stuffed cow and I told her that a cow says "moo."  She looked at me and said "moo-moo."  And then today I asked her where Duke was and she pointed to him and said "de." Then she went over to him and laid her head on him.  She is repeating these words correctly at the right time so I know she has learned what the actual meaning is and she's not just babbling sounds at me.  She also knows where the "light" is.  She will point up at the ceiling lights whenever I ask "where's the light?"  It amazes me how quick they start learning words and are able to communicate. 

 She won't keep any of her bows or headbands on anymore.  I managed to get her to keep her hat on the other day by tying it around her chin but I was surprised she didn't try to pull it off.  I'm not sure what I'm going to do with her hair as it starts to get longer.  I don't know how to braid but my mom always braided my hair when I was little and I loved it.  I really need to learn how to braid.

She does this cute thing with her hands when my husband gets home from work.  She walks to the door with her arms behind her back and waves her hands back and forth.  Then she follows him around the house until he picks her up.  Then she tucks her arms under her chest and lays her head on his chest and snuggles him and gives him a kiss.  She is definitely a Daddy's Girl. 

This little girl keeps me so busy but I love her so much and have so much fun with her! 

I had a bunch of things I wanted to post about the boys but this post ended up being super long so I'll end it there tonight!  

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