Alanna One Year

 I realized today that it has been two months since Alanna turned one and I never posted her One Year post.  Oops!  I had it all typed up on the night of her 1st birthday but never edited the pictures until today!  Better late than never though I guess!  I also realized I never did a post on her birthday party either.  These last few months have been pretty busy and it's been hard finding time to blog. 


19  pounds, 8 ounces, 29.25 inches

One year...A whole year!!! 

Could a whole year have possibly passed so quickly?  I can hardly wrap my mind around it.  This year has gone by faster than any year ever has.  I have been so emotional about you turning one.  Not in a bad way, I just can't believe how fast you are growing up and how quickly time is going by.  You have been way more independent than your brothers ever were, which may be the reason I feel you are growing up too fast.  I didn't think it could be possible to love you more than I did the moment I first held you, but here we are a whole year later and I have grown to love you in an even deeper love.  Everything about you I love.  You are perfect and beautiful.  

You have learned a lot this past month.  You are walking so much now.  You now try to walk more than you crawl.  I will try to put you on your hands and knees on the floor and you will get up and walk.  You are trying to climb into or on top of everything.  You even tried to climb onto the piano stool the other day.  You like to dance.  You hold onto the side of something and when I say "Dance Dance" you bend your knees and move up and down.  It's probably the cutest thing ever.  You would not stop getting into the cabinets so Daddy and I finally decided to put locks on them.  It's made my life a lot easier.

You learned how to click your tongue.  You wave "bye-bye" and you can sign "All done."

You love to eat clementines.  I think they are your new favorite...after black beans that is.  You are still in love with sweets...chocolate chips in your muffins, cake, and ice cream.  You're my girl :) You love your sippy cup.  You like to drink water.  I gave you milk and chocolate milk for the first time this month but you're really not interested in it.  You will drink a lot of water though. You like to try to share your food.  It's sweet of you but I prefer not to eat your soggy food.

You love it when we get on the floor and crawl with you.  You also love it when we let you sit on our stomachs.  You laugh and laugh.  You love to look out the front door and windows still.  Your little finger prints are all over them.  It makes me smile when I wash the doors and windows and see your prints.

You are gradually weaning yourself.  You nurse 3-4 times during the day and 1-2 times at night.  Other than that, you are just too busy checking out what's going on to nurse.  You still love your "blankey" though.  You don't nurse well without it or sleep well without it.  You rub it in your hands and face just like you have since I first started using it with you around 2 or 3 months old.  

You babble a lot.  Your voice is so soft and sweet.  Your laugh is contagious and your cry breaks my heart.  Daddy and I are all mushy with you.  You have us pretty much wrapped around your finger.  You are my and Daddy's Sweet Pea.  We love you so much! 

Happy First Birthday Alanna Colette

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