Trip to the park

Today I was kind of stressed out ...just a lot on my mind.  So this afternoon after school, and a much needed uplifting conversation with my oldest sister, I packed the kids up in the van and we headed off for the park.  It was about 55 degrees out today and we were in much need of a park day.  As I was driving to the park I turned on the radio (I leave it on the christian station because that's pretty much all I ever listen to besides the kids audios) and this song came on...

And I felt a smile come over my face.  I felt a sense of peace and I remembered that God is enough and he tells us not to be anxious or worry.  God is so good and he loves me so much.  I am so blessed.  I apologized to the kids for being so stressed out that morning.  And we drove to the park feeling super excited to have a fun family afternoon. 

The kids had a blast.  It was so beautiful out.  We looked at the Ducks, chased some seagulls, found shells, played on the playground, dug in the sand....
and just enjoyed ourselves so much. 

I left feeling refreshed, calm, happy, and so so incredibly thankful to be the mother of three amazing, beautiful children.  



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