Menu for January 10-17

Here is our menu for this week.  Please leave a comment if you would link a recipe for a certain meal!  

Week of January 9-17

Breakfast - Me: Leftover Oatmeal & cottage berry whip (E) (S) Kids: Muffins
Lunch - Me: BLT wrap with FSP (E) Kids: Grilled cheese with smoothie
Dinner - Me & Nathan:  Cheesecake factory with gift card (Cheat) Kids: Homemade pizza

Saturday- *Family Day with Nathan's Parents
Breakfast- Me: 2 THM pancakes & a Cake Batter Shake (E)  Kids: Pancakes from freezer with fruit
Lunch - Packed lunch: Me: Turkey Wrap with yogurt & fruit (E) Kids:  PB & Jelly, go-gurts, & goldfish
Dinner:  Dinner out with Nathan's parents

Sunday *Nursery  & Small Group
Breakfast-  Me: Cake Batter Shake (E)  Kids: Muffins  
Lunch- Chicken Alfredo & green beans (S)   (Everyone)
Dinner- Homemade Pizza (E) Everyone  

Breakfast- Me: MIM & Shake or yogurt (S)  Kids: Muffins & fruit
Lunch- Me&Nathan: Salad or wrap (E) or (S) Kids: PB & Jelly, smoothie
Dinner- Turkey burgers, sweet potato fries, green beans (E)

Breakfast- Scrambled Eggs (Sides are either turkey bacon &/or Shake) (S) Everyone
Lunch- Me: Grilled cheese & ham wrap with Cake Batter Shake (S) Kids: Grilled cheese & ham, carrots & ranch,
Dinner- Bean Soup (E) (Everyone)

Wednesday *Awanas
Breakfast- Me: Trim Healthy Pancakes (E)  Kids: Pancakes with fruit
Lunch- Me: Bean & cheese quesadilla (E) Kids: Bean & cheese quesadillas & smoothies  
Dinner-  Chili (E) Everyone

Thursday Breakfast- Overnight Oatmeal (E) Everyone
Lunch- Chicken Nuggets, fruit, veggies (Everyone)  
Dinner- Leftover bean soup (E) everyone

Breakfast- Ham & cheese omelets, fruit (S) everyone  
Lunch- Me: Sweet Potato & greek yogurt with fruit (E) Kids: PB & Jelly & smoothies
Dinner-  Homemade Pizza & Salad (E) Everyone *Pack lunch & dinner for Nathan tomorrow

Breakfast-  whatever I choose
Lunch-  whatever I choose
Dinner-  Leftovers

*Snacks for kids
Popcorn, apples & PB, chex mix, goldfish, strawberries, smoothies, muffins, bananas & honey, peanuts & string cheese.

*Snacks for me
Shake, yogurt, cottage berry whip, peanuts & string cheese, apple & PB dip, strawberries and dip.

New recipes to make
1. Sprouted whole wheat Bread (E)
2. Peanut Butter Cheesecake (S)

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