January 11, 2015

Jude turned three months on the 11th.  His little personality is just the sweetest.  He smiles so much now and has laughed a few times.  He loves to look at me when I'm carrying him in the Ergo.  He looks up at me and smiles really big....it's the sweetest!  He follows the sound of my voice when he's sitting in his little chair and then looks at my eyes and smiles his adorable little smile.  

He's got the cutest little ear that sticks out just slightly.  He got a few little rolls on his thighs that I love to squeeze.  He's got beautiful blue eyes and the softest skin.  He smells so good and is just so snuggly.  

He likes to chew on his fingers and his blanket.  He just started liking looking at books.  He smiles at it and gets so excited.  He loves baths but he hates being in his carseat.  He basically cries the whole time he's in his carseat unless he's asleep.  

He can hold his head up pretty well now.  He can roll from his belly to his back and pushes up on his knees and feet when he's laying on his belly.  

Jude nurses every 1.5-3 hours.  He gets up at 7:30am then goes down for a nap at 9am-11:30am.  He's up till 1pm and then naps from 1-4pm.  He stays up till about 5 and then naps for about 30 minutes in the Ergo.  Then he goes back to bed around 7pm.  He wakes up and gets in bed with me between 12:30-2:30am.  Then he sleeps next to me until around 5-6am.  At that point he starts to push away and I put him back in his crib and he falls right to sleep in his crib and sleeps there until 7:30am. 

He loves to have Nathan carry him around holding him out so he can see what everyone is doing.  He usually sits next to Nathan at dinner time in his little seat.  He holds Nathan's finger the whole time.  It's so cute! All three of the other kids are so crazy about Jude.  They love holding him, kissing him, and talking to him.  Liam is always saying "Jude's so cute!"  They love helping me give him a bath and Ruy's been trying to help me dress him. They are all such good siblings to little Jude!

He's such a sweet baby and we just love him so very much!  

Happy three months Jude David


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