Ruy will be nine years old in just three months.  Every time I look at him lately, I feel this tug at my heart.  He is growing up way too fast and I'm just not ready for it.  He is still so little in so many ways but I can see the young man he is growing in to and I am so proud of him.  

Ruy is one of the sweetest little boys you will ever meet.  He loves to draw me pictures, give me kisses, sing to me every night, have his back rubbed, write me sweet little notes telling me he loves me, and he still hates it when I go out anywhere without him.  He says it's ok if he goes somewhere without me but he doesn't like it when I chose to leave and go somewhere without him...(Mommy's boy & I love it!) 

He is so good with little kids.  Alanna is his little buddy.  She loves to play with Ruy.  She loves it when he reads to her or when he plays with her in her room.  He loves to push Alanna on her swing or help her go down the slide on our play ground.  The other day he came out of her room and said to me "Mom, Alanna is so cute.  I just love her so much!"  So many times when we have been at parks or museums, I have gotten compliments from other moms on how kind Ruy is to their kids.  

Ruy and Liam used to have a hard time playing together because of their four year age difference but Liam is at a good age now where they are interested in a lot of the same things and can play together pretty well.  They love to play out behind our fence in our woods and down by our creek.  They are forever getting wet and coming up with some excuse as to why they couldn't stay out of the water.  They love to ride bikes together, play basketball, and play tag.  Liam gets pretty frustrated with tag with Ruy because Ruy is so fast.  Liam always yells for Ruy to "run slow so I can tag you!"  Ruy's learning how to sometimes allow Liam to tag him or win at a race.  Just tonight Ruy came up to me and said "Mom, Liam's so cute. When I went into my room to get my pjs (Liam was already in bed), Liam said "good night Ruy sweet dreams!" Sometimes Liam really gets on my nerves, like when he turns out the light on me and then runs out of the room, but I really love him."  I told him that when they are older they will laugh at all the silly things they did to each other to annoy each other :) 

Ruy love Jude.  He loves to hold him and dance with him.  He loves tickling and making him laugh.  He can't wait to teach Jude all the things he knows.

Ruy and Nathan love playing board games together.  They will play for hours.  He loves being outside with Nathan, playing baseball with him, riding in his truck, working out in the yard with him etc.  Nathan works really hard to help Ruy learn his verses for Awanas and to help teach Ruy how to apply these verses into his life.  They are very close.

Ruy is doing so well in third grade.  I'm really proud of how hard he is working and I love teaching him and learning with him.  He's been helping Liam some days with Liam's preschool and it's so neat seeing Ruy do that for him.  

Ruy is still super into anything army/camouflage & Star Wars.  He wears his camo pants almost every day and has torn holes in the knees of his pants yet again.  He has so many Star Wars legos.  He loves to build with his legos on his little desk that's in his room.  Legos are his favorite toy.  He loves to create his own things with them and loves to tell me the stories that he's playing out.  Liam has just gotten into legos in the past few months and they've been enjoying playing together.  It's been a transition for Ruy having to share some of his legos with his little brother but he's gotten more used to it and told me tonight that he'd like to start teaching Liam how to follow instructions and build things.

Ruy loves to read.  Once he finds a book he likes, he will read for hours.  I love seeing him all curled up on the couch under a blanket reading.  Sometimes he reads at breakfast, while he's walking, or in the van.  I've always tried to encourage to him the importance of reading and I am so glad to see that he loves it so much. 

Ruy is my big helper.  Seriously, I am so appreciative of everything he does for me.  He has his daily chores that he does but he also does so much more than that for me.  When we're out he holds the door for me, holds Alanna's hand if I need him to, helps me carry groceries etc.  At home he will jump up and do just about anything I ask him to without complaining. 

Ruy is thoughtful, caring, loving, sweet, silly, super smart, funny, creative, and so handsome.  He is my little man and holds a special place in my heart.  

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