The past few weeks have been a little different for me.  I've been working on some changes and it's made it a little challenging to get blogging done.  (More on this later) But through the past few weeks, I've kind of forgotten to take pictures of the kids most days.  In some ways this is good because it forces me to be more present with them, but I also don't want to miss capturing the moments that mean so much to me.  Jude is my fourth baby and he definitely has the least amount of pictures of him of all the kids.  Not because I want it that way, just because I'm so busy it's easy to forget.  So the other morning while I was getting him dressed, I was overwhelmed with my love for him and how beautiful he is.  I needed to get some other things done and was trying to hurry with getting him dressed but I decided to slow down, grab my camera and take a few pictures of my sweet little man.  They grow so fast at this age and change so much every day.  I'm so glad I decided to slow down and take these few shots.  

Sweet baby smiles that melt your heart, thigh rolls, elbow dimples, little ears, those small little toes and fingers, the wrinkles on the wrists!

These pictures may not be "perfect" in terms of photography but they are perfect to me because they will always help me remember all the little things I love about my sweet little baby.  

Tomorrow I want to slow down a little and enjoy all my kids a little more. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday & if you're in the middle of the snow storm like I am...stay safe & warm!  If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below or you can chat with me on Facebook & Instagram

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