We got hit with snow pretty hard here last week.  It started on Friday morning and didn't stop until late Saturday night.  I think we got around 18 inches in all!!!  Which is just totally crazy and unacceptable...I don't like  I told my husband that when we are rich we are going to buy a second house in Florida and we will live there from January 1 - April 1 :)  The kids on the other hand, thought all the snow was amazing and have enjoyed playing in it.  I think they are ready for it to melt now though.  I haven't been out in it but once for a short amount of time, but headed out with all four of the kids today.  It was Jude's first time in the snow and his first time on the swing.  I think he loved the swing.  And the kids loved pushing him! 

Eight more weeks and then I'm hoping we will be into the warm weather.  It's usually in the 60's - 70's here by the first week of April.  I'm counting down the days. :)  I hope you all are having a wonderful week!

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