Happy Monday everyone.  I'm so behind on so many blog posts that I want to write.  This past week was busy, very busy but also very wonderful.  I had a very bad Monday last week but turned things around with a really wonderful rest of the week (more on that later).  However, right now our family is dealing with some nasty sickness.  So between sickness and just the regular million and one things to do every day, I'm behind on blog posts.

Ruy and Liam have Herpangina.  Yes, just the name alone is disgusting.  It's mouth sores and a fever.  The mouth sores make it hard to eat and of course the fever makes you feel like crud.  So you can imagine how fun it is that my 8 year old and 4 year old sons have this.  I think my 2 year old daughter might be getting it as well.  I checked her mouth just before putting her to bed tonight and it looks like some sores might be forming.  I'm praying I'm wrong and I'm praying my little man Jude (3 months old today!) doesn't get it.  I almost completely forgot he turned 3 months old today.  I remembered this morning but hadn't thought about it since.  My goodness!!!  Time is flying by.  Well...maybe I should stick to one topic at a time LOL.  And you probably don't want to read any more about sick kids so I'll get back onto the topic of our menu & grocery shopping.  

I went to Aldi this past Saturday.  I hadn't been in a while and wanted to head out there because some other THM ladies said they had bought some Sprouted Whole Wheat bread there and I wanted to see if my Aldi had it.  They did and they also had several other products that are on plan with THM that they didn't have last time I was there so I was happy about that.   I was mostly happy about the fact that I got everything that was on my list (minus two things) and was done shopping in 45 minutes!  Yay!

What is Trim Healthy Mama(THM)??? You can read all about it here & here

Here is what I bought this week at Aldi:
 *I had every intention of writing up every item I bought & the price but like I said, it's been a little busy with the sickness and all going around and I need to get in bed so I can workout in the morning.  But if you have any questions on something you see, please let me know.

*I got home and realized the peanuts have sugar in them! Boo :( 

I spent 160.44
$3 was for a household item (laundry soup).  The rest was all food items.

And here is our menu for this week:

Saturday: Grocery Shopping
B-Scrambled eggs & cottage berry whip (S)  
L- CFA (Cheat)  I seriously regretted this cheat today.  I had a stomach ache for hours & hours.  I think I'll be getting a salad next time.

B- Chocolate Waffles from the THM cookbook page 265 with strawberries & chocolate syrup page 479 (S)
L- Spaghetti (using DF pasta) & Salad (E) 

*I've noticed the past few times that I've made DF pasta that I am getting nauseous after I eat it.  Has anyone else ever experienced this?  I'm waiting to order the Troodle from the THM website so I can make noodles that way.   
D- Homemade Pizza & Salad (E)

B- Just Peachy Muffins from the THM cookbook page 286 (E)
L- Me: Turkey Sandwich on Sprouted Whole Wheat Bread (E) Kids: Leftover Spaghetti
*I've had this on my menu for like 3 weeks now, but every time I go to make it, something comes up and I end up making something else.  Planning on sticking to it this week though :) We love this meal. Also, someone once mentioned that they didn't think there was enough protein in this meal for it to be an E meal.  Is that correct?  And if so, what should I be adding to this meal?

B- Omelets with ham & cheese.  (I'm adding peppers & onions to mine) (S)
L- Me: Chef Salad (Eggs, Ham, Cheese, Tom. ) Kids: PB & Jelly, fruit
D-Whole Chicken & Green Fries from the THM cookbook page 218 (S)

B- Apple Crumble from the cookbook page 338 (E) with homemade greek yogurt on top. 
L- Leftover Chef Salad & yogurt with all natural peanut butter & sweetener (S) Kids:  "Snack-y" lunch...Lunch-meat, string cheese, apples, crackers.
D-Chicken Tacos/Salad (E or S depending on the toppings we choose)  

L-Me: Leftover Sweet Potato Oat Soup (E)  
D- Chicken Pot Pie from the THM cookbook page 137
*This recipe is amazing!   Husband asked me to make it every week :)

B-Scrambled eggs, yogurt with fruit (S)
L- Me:  Chicken apple pecan salad (S with helper from the apples) Kids: PB & Jelly, fruit, crackers.
*Correct me if I'm wrong about the salad being an S & a helper from the apples.)
D- Homemade Pizza & salad (E)

*Snacks usually are homemade greek yogurt, fruit, peanuts, shakes, popcorn, cheese, hard boiled eggs, sweet potatoes.  

*My kids get pretzels, cheese crackers, graham crackers etc. on occasion, usually when we are out in the van. 
I hope everyone has a wonderful week!  If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below or you can chat with me on Facebook & Instagram

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And just are a few pictures of my sweet kiddos. 

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