It's Monday.  Menu Day & our "back to school" day.  I had hoped for a really great start to our week and our first day back at school after Christmas break, but lets just say it wasn't my greatest day by a long shot.  I had one of those "not so great" mommy days where you feel like you're just a failure all around as a parent and want to crawl back under the covers and pray that you're dreaming and that the day could just start over and you could take back all the mistakes you made.  I hate when I have a bad day.  I love my kids so much and want to be the best mother in the world to them. Tomorrow is a new day... and I'm looking forward to starting a new day with no mistakes in it. 

Saturday was grocery shopping day.  Here's what I bought.  I went over my budget by a lot more than I had wanted to this week. 

I spent $162.04 on all the food items at Kroger & $40.43 on the household items.

I got home and realized I had forgot a few things so on Sunday evening I went to Target and got Dishsoap, heavy whipping cream, and two containers of creamer.
*I realize that these creamers are not "on-plan", however I really do not like the taste of just half-n-half and sweetener and after almost two years of beating myself up about having regular creamer or forcing myself to drink coffee I hated, I have just decided to drink regular creamer and let it go.  It wasn't worth the stress I was causing myself.

I spent $7.83 on food items at Target & $3.79 on household items.

So in total for this week I spent $169.87 on food items & $44.22 on household items.

And here's our Menu:

Saturday: Grocery Shopping
B-Banana Cake from the THM cookbook page 298 (E)
L- Me: Chicken Taco (S) Kids: Cheerios
*We got home so late from grocery shopping and they wanted cereal so they got cereal:)
D- Homemade Pizza & Salad (E)

Sunday: Church
B- Chocolate Chia Glazed Muffins from the THM cookbook page 287 (S)
L- Spaghetti & Salad (E)
D- Me & Nathan: Sprouted Whole Wheat Bread dipped in leftover spaghetti sauce (E) Kids: Cereal
*Nathan and I ate way later than the kids and didn't feel like baking anything so we ate some bread and then had coffee and Chocolate Zucchini Cake.

*I used sugar free syrup and almond milk.  What I had originally planned to make didn't work out so I quick found this recipe and made these late Sunday evening.
L- Grilled Ham & Cheese, dip in leftover spaghetti sauce (S)
D- Chicken Pot Pie from the cookbook page 137 (S)
*I didn't have Baking Blend so I used 1/3 cup each of Almond Flour, Ground Flax, & Coconut Flour.  It tasted fine but I'm anxious to try the Baking Blend.  We loved this meal and I'll be making it again soon.

B- Ham & Cheese Egg Casserole (S)
L- Me: Salad with eggs, ham, tom. & ranch (S) Kids: PB & Jelly, fruit, pretzel sticks.
D-Chicken Tacos (S or E depending on toppings)

Wednesday:  Awanas
B- Giant Blueberry Pancake from the cookbook page 261 (E)
*Use brown rice
D- Sloppy Joes from the THM cookbook p63 on sprouted whole wheat flour & green beans. (E) 

B- Baked Peanut Butter Oatmeal (Crossover)
L-Me: Salad with chopped apple, chicken and small amount of pecans (E) Kids: PB & Jelly, fruit, pretzel sticks
*Using a small amount of sesame oil in this, brown rice & egg whites.

B-Scrambled eggs, yogurt with fruit (S)
L- Leftover Chicken Rice Soup (E)
D- Black Bean Soup (E)

*Snacks usually are yogurt, fruit, peanuts, shakes, popcorn(maybe 1x a week), cheese, hard boiled eggs.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!  If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below or you can chat with me on Facebook & Instagram

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