2/52 "Our Life" Project - Surprise

"Liam look out the window!!!  It's snowing!"  A "surprised" look came over Liam's face as he looked out the window at the snow.  "That's snow" he said.  "Do you want to go outside with Bubby and play in it?"  "Yeah!!!"  After eating breakfast, getting a diaper change, getting dressed, and getting into his snow pants, coat, hat, gloves, and boots ... Liam followed his big brother outside into the snow... excited as ever!  You would have thought a foot of snow was on the ground when in reality it was only a light dusting.  He did not remember snow from last winter so it was like a whole new adventure for him.  It's wonderful how children see such beauty in the little things.  My children are a constant reminder of how I need to slow down and just enjoy every part of life. 

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