my sick baby girl

I could tell something was just not right.  You were not your normal self.  You would not stay asleep after I laid you in your crib.  You were unsettled and only wanted to be in my arms.  I kept you wrapped in my arms all night, snuggled close to my chest.  I could smell your sweet breath, hear your soft breathing, feel your tiny body next to mine.  You awoke more than usual that night and I understood why in the morning.  You are sick...with watery eyes, a runny nose, and a fever.  My heart aches watching you be in pain.  You struggle breathing, especially when nursing, choking and crying.  You try to smile at me but it turns into cries.  You are so sick my sweet baby girl.  You spend all day in the Ergo where you can be upright and in my arms.  You have barely opened your eyes in two days.  You just want to sleep.  Your tiny body is exhausted from fighting this cold.  I pray you are better soon... I miss your sweet smiles and coos.

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