Alanna's Birth Story

It's hard to believe it's been almost two months since Alanna was born.  She is growing so quickly and I love her more and more each day!   After having two very difficult births with my first two children, it was wonderful to have an amazing birth experience.  So here is her birth story as I can remember it.  If you don't like reading about blood clots, and other such things that occur during labor... this post may not be for you!  If you love child birth as much as I do though, Enjoy! :)

Thursday 11-14-2013:
 I woke up at about 6AM from a contraction.  It felt stronger than the braxton hicks contractions I had been having over the past few weeks.  I decided if I got another one like that, that I would start timing them.  A few minutes later I felt wet and thought maybe my water had broken.  When I got up though, something came out of me and I started to panic a little bit.  When I checked, a huge blood clot had come out.  I immediately called my midwife and waited for her to call me back.  By this point it was 6:30AM.  Nathan was at the fire station so I called him to tell him what was going on.  He called his part time job and let them know he wouldn't be coming in to work because he was going to be having a baby!  My midwife called me back and said that she wanted to wait about thirty minutes and see if the bleeding would stop.  If it wouldn't stop, then she would want me to come in to make sure Alanna was doing OK.  At 7:30AM I called her and told her the bleeding was light but hadn't stopped.  She told me to go ahead and get ready to head to the hospital to meet the midwife that would be on call since she was getting ready to leave.  Nathan got relieved from  the fire station and got home around 8AM.  We packed up the last few things we needed, and got to the hospital around 8:50AM.   

Jean (my midwife), met us around 9:20AM and took me back to check Alanna's heartbeat and see if I was dilated any.  Alanna's heartbeat was fine but she was a little concerned about how it looked.  At 10AM when she checked me, I was 5 centimeters dilated.  Jean said I wouldn't be going home since I would be having Alanna in the next few hours!  I was sent to room 202 and hooked up to an IV since I had tested positive for Step B and then hooked up to the monitor since I was having a VBAC.  I was so excited that Alanna was going to be there in a few hours but I started stressing out pretty soon after getting into my room.  I hate being hooked up to the monitor and the IV.  And I hate the hospital gowns.  All of it was making me feel like a crazy person.  Every time I went to the bathroom, I had to take the IV stand with me and then the monitor would fall down in the way and all the gooey stuff would get on my legs and my gown would start to fall off.  My hair was also in my face and driving me crazy.  My contractions at this point weren't even that painful but I was beginning to feel like I couldn't possibly make it through the day.  Nathan texted Selina (my sister and one of my best friends) at that point and told her he felt like I needed her there.  Kim (my best friend and also photographer for Alanna's birth) arrived around 11AM to take pictures of the labor process and to make sure she didn't miss the birth!  Selina arrived around 12PM.  She braided my hair for me, and helped me get some makeup on so I felt a little more human.  

My sister Selina.

Nathan helped me get my own gown on so that I didn't have to wear the terrible hospital gown.  Then we spent the next hour just talking and laughing in between contractions.  At 1PM Jean checked me again and I was dilated to 6 centimeters.  Alanna had improved at this point and Jean was no longer concerned about her movement.  At 2PM my contractions went from 7-10 minutes apart to 3-5 minutes apart and got much stronger.  I no longer was laughing and joking around but having to start focusing on getting through the contractions.  Jean stayed in the room with me almost the whole time after this point which was wonderful knowing she was so supportive.  I tried a few different positions to help get through the contractions but the most comfortable one was straddling the ball.  Nathan sat in front of me facing me so I could hold onto him during a contraction and Selina sat behind me, massaging my lower back with the awesome coconut lotion that Kim brought (it heated up when she massaged my back and it felt amazing).  
My husband is an amazing support during labor.

My sister has coached several of her friends through natural births.  It was amazing to have her there with me!

We all took guesses as to when Alanna would be born.  Jean said 7:30PM, I said 8PM, Selina said 6:30PM, Nathan said 4:35PM, and Kim said 5:20PM.  Jean broke my water at 3PM to help make things move faster.  

 I hate the feeling of the warm water running down my legs.  It stresses me out so bad.  By 4PM I remember feeling like I couldn't take much more of it.  I thought I would deliver around 8PM and the thought of four more hours of contractions was exhausting.  Soon after that I started to get really cold and shaky.  I felt nauseous so Nathan got a bowl ready for me in case I threw up.  I kept putting a blanket around my shoulders and then throwing it off when a contraction would come.  

 Close to 5PM I threw up.  Selina told me that I had to be getting close to being ready to push because throwing up and being shaky were all signs of going through transition.  Jean asked if I wanted her to check me because if I was at 9 centimeters I could start pushing.  When she checked me she said I was at 9 centimeters but the cervix was in the way still.  She told me to do a small push to see if I could move the cervix out of the way.  I did one push and she said to do one more.  After the second push, the cervix moved out of the way and she told me I could start pushing her out.  I didn't realize I would be pushing so soon.  I thought I would have to wait until I reached 10 centimeters.  After the first push she said she could see Alanna's head.  I only pushed for about ten minutes and then I felt her head come out and then the rest of her body just seemed to slide out.  She was born at 5:19PM.  Kim had been so close to picking the right time...only 1 minute off!! 

 It burned so bad while I was pushing.  It hurt so bad, I kept yelling "it hurts, it burns".  It felt better to yell during the contractions but I did try to breathe through the times I wasn't contracting.  When I pushed her out, they put her on my chest.  It felt so good to finally hold her.   

She was so beautiful.  I looked up at Nathan, he was crying.  

 He wanted a baby girl so bad.  He was so happy she was finally here.  I kissed her for the first time... she was so soft and smelled so good.  I nursed her for the first time and then gave her to my husband so that the nurses could weigh her.

Obviously not happy that she was under the bright light, away for her Mama.

  My mom brought the boys to the hospital around 7:30PM.  Ruy brought Alanna her pink elephant and Liam brought her pink bear.  Ruy was so excited I could tell he was trying not to smile and Liam just had the biggest grin on his face that I have ever seen.   

They both were so happy to see her for the first time.  It was such a sweet moment.  They both kissed her and just kept smiling.  Ruy and Liam loved holding her.  Liam kept trying to take her back from Ruy saying "it's Liam's turn".  Ruy kissed her when he was holding her and said that she smelled like money.  He looked up at me and said "mommy I wish we could take her home tonight".  It was so sweet to see how much they both loved her right away.    

Liam's first time holding Alanna.

Ruy's first time holding Alanna.

Nathan and I felt so happy and blessed that evening!  It was truly one of the greatest days of our lives!!!
Our first family photo after Alanna's birth.
 I am so thankful for the wonderful experience I had with Alanna's birth.  Nathan and I prayed so long that it would be and God answered our prayers.  I am thankful for my best friend Kim being there for me to take all the beautiful pictures of my labor and Alanna's birth.  It was amazing not having to be stressed about who would be taking pictures of her for me.  I was able to just relax and focus on delivering her. It was her first time photographing a birth and I am so happy I got to share that with her! I am thankful for my sister Selina being an incredible support through labor and spending hours massaging my back through contractions.  I am thankful to my mother for watching Ruy and Liam while we were at the hospital.  It was my first time being away from Liam longer than six hours. I was nervous about that, but my mom is amazing with them and Liam didn't even cry when they had to leave the hospital.  It is wonderful to have someone you can trust with your children.  And most of all, I am thankful for my husband.  He is so strong during labor for me!  He is my rock and I would not have been able to make it through without him! 

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