A Good Day.

Yesterday was a pretty good day.  I told the boys once Ruy got some school done, we would go to Chick-fil-a for ice cream since Ruy had done so well on his last spelling test.  They were both very excited!  Ruy worked hard on school and Liam had fun doing his "school" as well.  He likes sitting at the table with us and playing with play-doh, coloring, building blocks, and doing "math" as he calls it, which is really just a bunch of scribbles on paper. 

I enjoyed a cup of coffee while helping Ruy with his schoolwork.

 Ruy took a little break and helped Liam with some coloring and then we all started dancing to the music we were listening to.  

I love these little moments that I get to enjoy with the kids each day.  I'm really trying to soak up every day and every moment.  Too often I get caught up in laundry, cleaning, paying bills, or worrying about what I'm going to make for the next meal but my goal this year is to try to slow down and just enjoy my kids while they are little.

After Ruy did some of his school we ate lunch at home (trying to cut back on eating out).  Liam entertained us with his silliness.  He loves to do "stinky face".  He made this up a few months back.  He just takes his hands and squeezes either his own cheeks or someone else and says "stinky face".  It's so funny.

After lunch, we headed out to Chick-fil-a.  Baby girl looked pretty adorable in her bonnet.  Ruy picked it out for her to wear.

I didn't feel like bringing my big camera into CFA so I just settled for my point and shoot Sony to get a few quick pictures of the boys enjoying the ice cream.

They were pretty happy.  After ice cream, I let the boys play for about an hour in the play area before heading home to enjoy the outdoors.

We finished up school after playing outside and then ended the night with a great time at our Small Group from church.   I'm pretty lucky to get to spend every day with my three loves.  :)

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