
Two Months 1-14-14
10 lbs 8 oz - 22 inches

You still sleep most of the day but you are able to stay awake for 1-2 hours at a time now.  You nap in your crib most days for 2-3 hours at a time.  You nap in the ergo at least once a day.  You go to bed in your crib at night but after 3 hours you spend the rest of the night snuggled next to mommy.  You love your pacifier.  You smile all the time now, even when I am nursing you which can get kind of messy.  You try to talk by making the cutest cooing sound ever.  You can hold your head up for a few minutes at a time now.  You still do not like being on your tummy.  You spit up very often.  You still smell like a newborn...I never want that smell to go away.  You had your first shot.  You cried...I almost cried.  You cry tears now.  Your cry is so soft and quiet though.  You celebrated your first Christmas.  You are growing out of your 0-3 month clothes.  You are quiet and sweet.  You are the most beautiful girl.  You are my world. 

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