Getting My Body Back

One of my biggest goals this year was to get back into a workout routine and loose the last 20 pounds I had gained from my pregnancy with Alanna.  I had done P90X when Liam was 6 months old and continued with it off and on until I started Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred It a few weeks before I found out I was expecting Alanna. I believe I was on day 12 when I found out I was pregnant.  I tried a few more days of the workout but quickly realized I was not going to be one of those moms who could workout during my pregnancy.

I was 160 pounds after I had Liam and after doing P90X was 112 pounds.

1 week after Liam was born

1 year after Liam was born
It took me three months to loose the last 15 pounds I needed to loose and to drop from a size 6 to a 2.  P90X  is amazing.  I love the workouts.  They are fun and you burn a lot of calories.  I never felt hungry because I was eating about 1800 - 2000 calories a day.  I was also nursing so if I did eat a little more calories than that, it didn't really matter.  Nursing definitely helped the weight drop off.  I felt the healthiest and the most in shape I ever have in my life after doing P90X.

But then I got pregnant and gained another 35 pounds.  I have lost 25 pounds but these last 15 pounds just do not want to go away easily.  So I just started doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred It.  I finished up Day 3 today and to be honest... it is hard.  Even though it's only a 25 minute workout, it's killing me.  Taking a year off of working out does nothing good for your body.  I'm dying to be in shape again and to be skinny again but I forgot how hard you have to work for that.  Even though I gained the same amount of weight with Liam and Alanna, I started out 10 pounds lighter with Alanna than Liam which made a huge difference in how big my arms and face got.  I also lost the first 25 pounds in 4 weeks with Alanna.  It took me about 4 months to loose it with Liam.  I'm going to give working out prior to getting pregnant the credit for that. 

10 days after Alanna was born

Day 1 of 30 Day Shred It... 132 pounds.

I'm also using to track my calorie intake.  I'm trying to keep myself at about 1600 calories while on this workout routine because you don't burn nearly as much on 30 Day Shred it as with P90X.  So you might ask "then why not do P90X again if it burns so many more calories?"  The answer to that question is because Alanna is only 10 weeks old and is still not on a regular napping routine.  Most days she is consistent but I can't guarantee it and it's hard to fit an hour workout in when you have to keep dealing with a newborn.  So my plan is to finish the 30 Day Shred it around the end of February and then to start P90X after that.

Another goal is to be able to run a 5K by the end of the summer.  I've never been able to run very well and I am determined to change that this year.  My brother is my inspiration for that.  He runs all the time and just last year did a 100 mile run that took him just under 24 hours to complete! 

I'll be posting my results and an "after" picture once I complete the 30 days.  I'm only on day 3 and have already lost 2 pounds.  My legs and arms are sore but it feels good to know that I am getting stronger and healthier.  If you want to join in with me, I'd love you to!!!  It's always helpful to have a support group.  So ... who's with me???? :)

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