16 weeks

16 weeks
May 6, 2015

Weeks pregnant: 16
Weight gained: 18 pounds!!!  I started at 112 and I'm at 130 right now.  I'm not sure why I'm gaining weight so fast with this baby.  I eat way healthier now than I ever have in my whole life.  I've had some cheat meals and lots of crossovers (for those of you who follow Trim Healthy Mama you know what I'm talking about) but not enough I would think to make me gain that much.  Oh well, not going to stress about it too much.
Gender: We still don't know yet.  We find out June 4th!!!  FOUR weeks to go!
Maternity clothes:  Yes some maternity, but mostly regular. 
Sleep:  My allergies have finally started to calm down and my allergy medicine kicked in so I'm sleeping a little better now.
Best moment in the past month:  Listening to Liam talk about the baby and how "Daddy is going to catch the baby when it comes out!"  And then he dove on the floor like he was Nathan going to catch the baby!  It was pretty funny! 
Worst moment this month: I get really really bad varicose veins when I am pregnant. They have gotten pretty bad already this past month.  Standing for too long becomes painful, but then sitting for too long is painful.  It's pretty difficult to deal with. 
Miss anything:  Some days I miss being skinny and then other days I don't mind the weight I've gained from being pregnant.  The emotions come and go.  I know I will loose the weight again.  I think it's just hard when you work so hard to loose weight and then gain it all back.
Movement:  No movement yet.  I really want to feel the baby though!
Cravings:  Ice cream, pizza, CFA, Mexican Food.  It's always the same with every baby  :)
Queasy or sick:  Nope I feel great in this area!
Looking forward to:  Our beach vacation coming up in 2.5 weeks.  It will be really nice to just take a break from the normal every day chores, baking, school, etc. and just spend lots of time with my hubby and babies!

1 comment

  1. I love this picture of you! You are SO gorgeous and the baby bump is perfect. Can't wait to find out if it's a boy or a girl!!! I'm guessing boy but I'm always wrong with mine lol....it's neat how you have the same cravings with each baby---I have had very distinctly different cravings with each one. Weird. Anyway, love this post and love YOU!
