Mother's Day 2015

Mother's Day was really nice this year.  It was very busy but still very nice.  I was really sad my husband had to work again on Mother's Day, but I've kind of gotten used to him being gone on holidays since he's been in the fire department these past five years.  

We spent the morning at church, and then went to Qdoba for lunch.  After lunch we came home and let Alanna nap for an hour and then headed to Williamsburg to meet up with my in-laws.  It rained off and on while we were on our way down to meet them but ended up being a really nice afternoon.  We went to a state park in Williamsburg that was right along the York River.

The kids played on the playgrounds, we ate Subway under a shelter while it rained, and then when the rain stopped we took a walk down the path to the water.

Alanna loved the sand and the water but she didn't like the way it felt to have sand in-between her toes.

Liam and Ruy tried to climb up the side of the hill and Ruy's feet got stuck in some really really think mud.  He looked like a mud monster when he pulled his feet out.  He had mud all over his legs up to his knees.

Liam was most definitely not in the mood for any family pictures.  :)  

Liam found some snails stuck to a log and then ended up waste deep in the water.  I told him just to get his feet wet but...I should have known that that would never happen.  There he stood waste deep in water saying "Mommy is this far enough?"  :)  It was kind of hard to get upset with him.

Our water fun was cut short though because the gnats decided to come out and the wouldn't stop biting us.  They were biting Alanna worse than anyone and she started to cry so we headed back to the van to get cleaned up and head home.

We all ate some sugar cookies once we were cleaned up, said our good-byes and then started the trip home.  It was only supposed to be an hour drive home but there was really bad traffic so it ended up taking us an extra 40 minutes to get home.  It was after 8PM when we got home and I wanted to just put all the kids straight to bed, but they were all covered in sand and/or mud so I gave them all a quick bath and then got them all tucked into bed.  I spent the rest of the evening relaxing on the couch and working on some blog posts.  

I'm so thankful that God allowed me to be the mother of my three sweet children & our sweet baby on the way!!!  Being a mother has been the greatest joy of my life.  I love everything about it...even the sometimes crazy chaotic days. 

I hope all of you mothers reading this had a fabulous Mother's Day as well!!!

1 comment

  1. I can totally hear Liam asking "Is this far enough?" I'm remembering all the times our boys have played in the mud together....something about boys and mud! I'm sorry Nathan had to work on Mothers Day. :( I love you!
