18 weeks

I'm a week behind on my 18 week update post because well I was busy packing for vacation and then have been on vacation and totally forgot.  But I'm sitting here on the deck at my beach house, looking at Ruy, my husband, and their cousins, all playing in the pool while I drink some coffee so I thought now would be a good time to catch up on this post.  Liam and Alanna are sleeping since it's 8PM so I'm up at the house with them.  But the pool is close enough to our house for me to see everything that is going on and to hear the beautiful sound of the waves crashing.  It's peaceful and relaxing...listening to two of the most beautiful sounds in the world...my son and my husband laughing, and the ocean. 

May  20, 2015

Weeks pregnant: 18
Weight gained: 18 pounds.  I started at 112 and I'm currently 130.
Gender:  Still don't know
Maternity clothes:  Yes, but still mainly regular clothes.
Sleep:  Sleeping pretty good.
Best moment in the past two weeks:  Getting to spend time with the kids outside especially playing in the water.  It's so fun to watch them have so much fun.
Worst moment in the past two weeks:  Nothing really upsetting has happened lately.  It's been a pretty good two weeks.
Miss anything:  Not really.
Movement:  No movement yet I have to admit that it's really starting to bother me that I haven't felt the baby move.  I felt Alanna at 13 weeks so I just really want to feel some movement.
Cravings:  Nothing that I believe to be pregnancy related...just me wanting to eat too much :) 
 Queasy or sick:  No.  I think that is all long gone.
Looking forward to: Vacation!!! ***Update: (I wrote this before going on vacation but am just getting around to posting it!)

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