Colonial Williamsburg Trip

 This past Tuesday after breakfast I decided we needed to do something fun so we packed up and headed to Colonial Williamsburg.  We got there around 12PM and stayed until 3:30PM.  We saw the horses, toured the palace (which the kids loved), saw how they made chocolate back then, how they made wheels, and we walked a lot

Alanna putting rocks on Ruy's head.

 There is definitely a lot of walking involved with Colonial Williamsburg but the kids love it.  Liam finally started saying "My legs hurt!"  And Alanna fell asleep in the stroller so I knew it was time to head home.  

When we got close to our van, a lady was walking near us.  This is the conversation we had. 
Lady:  "Oh wow you have your hands full!  I feel for you!"
Me:   "Yes, my hands are full of blessings! and we have one on the way!"  
Lady: "Oh wow well I guess you don't get bored." 
Me:  No, I don't get bored.  Life is really boring without my kids around."  
Lady:  Well my kids are grown and I have one grandson.  Good luck." (in a not so excited voice)

It really makes me sad when people say things like this to me about my children.  I don't understand why people think they have the right to say such negative things about my kids.  Children are always a blessing...whether you have 3 kids or 19 kids.  

Anyways...rant over.  It was a really really fun day.  We still have so much to see there.  I'm so thankful we were able to get season passes for such a great deal this year.  Home-school teachers get half off season tickets and they also messed up on the price they quoted me for Ruy's season pass so I got $5 off his pass.   If you've never been to Colonial Williamsburg but live near it, I highly recommend taking your kids.  It's a blast :) 

(It's way too complicated getting three kids to look at you at the same time.  It's much easier to just get natural candid shots!)

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