Menu Plan May 15-May 22

Here is my menu plan for the coming week.  Are you wondering what all the FP, S, and E's mean??? You can head over to this website here to learn all about the Trim Healthy Mama lifestyle!!!  It's amazing!

Menu Friday May 15 - Friday May 22

Friday- Baseball Game @6PM , Make homemade bread

B- Ham & Cheese Omelets, strawberries (S) Everyone

S- Me: Caramel Frappe (FP or S...depending on if I use half & half or whip cream) *I just made this for the first time on Thursday (5-14) and it's amazing.  I'll be posting the recipe soon!!!  Kids: Peanuts & Raisons

L- Me: Chef Salad (S) Kids: Snack-y-Lunch (pretzels, string cheese, smoothie)

S- Me: Apples with tsp of PB (E) Kids: Apples with lots of PB :)

D- Gwen's Nest Pizza & Salad (E) Everyone

D- Cottage Berry Whip from the book pg.  (FP)

Saturday- Nathan's Birthday & Baseball Game @ 1:30PM, Made red & black beans

B- Baked Oatmeal (E) Everyone

S- No Snack (having an early lunch)

L- Turkey, cheese & tomato paninis, fruit (E) Everyone

S- Peanuts, string cheese (S) Everyone

D- Out to dinner for Nathan's Birthday

D- Birthday Cake (Cheesecake recipe from the book) (S)

Sunday- Nursery @10AM

B-  Pumpkin Muffins (E) Everyone

S- Me: Caramel Frappe (S) (take to church) Kids:  Have snacks in their class

L- Chicken Tortilla Soup (E or S...depending on toppings) Everyone

S- Popcorn (E) Everyone

D- Leftovers (E or S) Everyone

D- Leftover Birthday Cake (S)


B- Banana or Pumpkin Muffins (E) Everyone

S- Cinnamon Rolls with Gwen's Nest Bread (E) (I've never made this before but I've been wanting to find a way to make cinnamon rolls that are "on-plan".  I'll let you know how they turn out.

L- Me:  "Fotato Soup" from the book pg.   (E) Kids:  Mac & Cheese, broccoli & ranch

S- Peanut Butter in Greek yogurt with sugar free chocolate chips (S) Everyone (Kids can have regular chocolate chips)

D-  Grilled Shrimp & Chicken, salad (E or S...depending on salad dressing) Everyone

D- Tummy Tucking Ice Cream from the book pg.  (FP)


B- Eggs, fruit (S) Everyone

S- Low Carb Cookie DoughDip with strawberries (S) Everyone

L- Grilled ham & cheese quesadillas dipped in sour cream or ranch,  FSP for me, smoothies for kids (S) Everyone

D- Dirt-E-Rice (E) Everyone

D- Raspberry Tea (FP)

Wednesday-  Awanas @ 6:30PM

B- Pancakes with greek yogurt & fruit(E) Everyone

S- Hard boiled eggs (S) Everyone

L- Gwen's Nest Pizza & salad (E) Everyone (Sometimes we have this pizza 2x in a week because it's just so easy to make and we all love it.)

S- Pistachios & Lemon GGMS (S) Everyone

D- Chicken Noodle Soup (E) Everyone

D- Leftover Cookie Dough Dip & Strawberries (S)

Thursday -

B- Overnight Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal (I made this recipe for the first time on 5-14, I'll be posting the recipe soon.)

S- Peanuts & string cheese (S) Everyone

L- Leftover Chicken Noodle Soup (E) Everyone

S- Greek Yogurt with fruit (FP) (Everyone)

D- Turkey Tacos (E or S...depending on toppings) Everyone

D- Cottage Berry Whip from the book pg.  (FP)

Friday- Pack for Vacation!!!! YAY :)

B- Eggs, fruit (S) Everyone

S- Shake (Not sure what kind I'll be making yet) Everyone

L-Me: Chef Salad (S) Kids: PB & Jelly on Sprouted Whole Wheat Bread, fruit

S- Me: Chocolate Muffin In A Mug from the book pg.  (S) Kids:  Chocolate Chip & Raison Granola Bars.

D- Gwen's Nest Pizza & salad (E) Everyone

D- Raspberry Tea (FP) (I'm trying to get out of my routine of having a dessert every single night...but it's kind of hard!)

*Sometimes my snacks and desserts may switch up a bit depending on how our day goes.  If we end up going to the zoo or the park, or if we have to run an errand, I may have to change our snack to something different.  Also, my desire for a certain dessert may change so I sometimes change up what I had planned for dessert that night.  I try really hard to stay on track with breakfast, lunch, and dinner though.   Oh and the desserts I have listed are only for me.  I eat my dessert around 9PM after I have all the kids to bed, my house picked up, and I'm relaxing on the couch.  :) 

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