My 27th Birthday

Sunday was my birthday.  I turned twenty-seven.  When I was a kid I used to love turning another year older.  Once I hit about twenty-two, I decided that it would be great to be able to have birthdays but never get any older.  :)  

This year my birthday was really busy.  We woke up Sunday morning, waited for Nathan to get home from the fire station, and then had a yummy egg casserole together.

Nathan brought home a ton of beautiful red roses for me and Ruy made a birthday card for me.  His cards are always so sweet and special to me. 

We went to church, came home and had lunch, then headed out to Ruy's baseball game.  I think it was around 80 degrees out so it was pretty hot sitting there at the ball game.

After the game we hurried home to have cake. I made my own cake on Saturday.  It's my Granny's Lemon Pound Cake (my favorite) but I had a slight problem with completely broke it half when I took it out of the pan!!!  I've made this cake several times without any issues.  I'm not sure what happened this time, but I wasn't about to waste a whole cake.  It was an ugly cake but tasted SO amazing.  So excuse the pictures of my ugly cake :)  I just "smooshed" it back together! 

After cake, we headed out to Qdoba for dinner.  I know...having cake before dinner seems backwards but we had to be back at church at 6PM for a Serve Team Rally. 

 Our church just bought a new building and all the volunteers at the church were meeting at the new building to see what it looked like.  I work in the 1-2 year old class so I got to see where my new class was and pray for all the new changes coming to our church and all the babies in my class.  The church had an ice cream truck come to the new building so that after the rally everyone could enjoy some yummy ice cream.  There is a huge field at the new church so while I waited in line for ice cream, my kids all ran around and played with the other kids from church.  Alanna had fun chasing Nathan around.  The kids had so much fun they didn't want to leave but it was almost 8PM by the time we finished up ice cream and I was pretty much worn out by then. 

It was such a fun day.  The best birthdays are just being with my family.  I feel so blessed and am so thankful that God gave me another year to spend with all the people I love so much.  Thank you so everyone who sent me birthday wishes.  It meant a lot! 

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