Liam's New Hat

It happened!!! It actually happened!  Liam has a new hat.  His beloved straw hat that he got when he was ONE really started wearing down so I've been on the look out for a new hat for him for some time.  Sadly, nothing that I found seemed to "fit" him.  He's tried on so many hats...not by my force but because any store we go in to he tends to gravitate towards the hats.  He loves hats.  And he's been asking me for a new straw hat.  So last week when we were in Carters, he found a little straw hat and loved it.  It was perfect.  He has worn it every day since we bought it and hasn't put on his old hat since.  I'm sure he will pull out his old hat from his "special box" sometime soon though and put it on just because he loved that hat so much.  He's already been stopped several times the past week by people who just want to tell him how much they love his hat.  :)  I felt a little sad about getting him a new hat but after seeing him in this one for the past week, I'm not feeling as sad about it any more.  He looks pretty adorable in this new one. 

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