Our Week

This week has been a little bit busy since I've been trying to make sure I have everything ready for vacation.  We leave tomorrow morning for the beach and to say I'm excited is an understatement.  I need this vacation SO bad.  Liam and Ruy have been counting down the days until we leave and I have to admit I have been too. 

Monday I woke up and decided that I didn't want to spend all day cooking and cleaning like I normally do.  I just really wanted to spend some time with the kids.  So we went to the Children's Museum for a few hours and then went to Chick-fil-a for lunch.  While we were at Chick-fil-a I asked Liam what he had learned about in church Sunday.  This is how our conversation went...

Me: Liam what did you learn about at church yesterday?
Liam:  Jesus
Me:  What about Jesus?
Liam:  The Passover.
Me:  Oh what happened at the Passover?
Liam:  Well Jesus was bleeding on his leg so he put a band-aid on it!

After lunch we went home and put Alanna down for nap.  It was SUPER hot outside so while Alanna was sleeping, I got the boys' stuffed animal bucket out and filled it with water and let Liam play in it to cool off.  He played for an hour, then came in and watched a cartoon.  When Alanna got up, we went back outside and the kids played for another two hours in the water.  Alanna was so happy and just loved every minute of it...minus the times that Liam thought it would be fun to pour water on her. She looks so cute in her bathing suit I can hardly stand it.   I gave them some watermelon for a snack and they ate so much of it.  Alanna loves watermelon like crazy.  It was really fun just to spend the day relaxing with the kids and enjoying my time with them. 

Please excuse the picture overload from this day.  I took so many but couldn't decide on just one or two...

Tuesday I had so many errands to run.  I needed to get Alanna some new pajamas, make a return at Old Navy, go to Kid-to-Kid, and then I took the kids to the park.  We had a picnic lunch at the park sitting next to the water.  It was another really hot day so we sat under the picnic shelter in the shade.  After lunch, the kids played in the huge sand area the park has instead of playing on the playground.  The sand area is completely shaded and it was really enjoyable sitting there watching them play with the other kids.  We also saw a big snake eating a toad, which Liam thought was just about the coolest thing ever! Ruy and I read books after Liam and Alanna went to bed and then while we were sitting on the couch just snuggling and talking for a bit, he told me he never wants to sell our house.  He said he never wants to grow up, or move out, or get married.  He said he wants to stay little forever and just be with us forever.  My feelings exactly little man!!!  Love him so much!

Wednesday I went grocery shopping for the beach.  I decided I didn't want to wait until we got to the beach to do our grocery shopping this year since the past two years that has been really stressful for me.  We bought a big cooler and we're taking everything we need with us.  We didn't get out of the house until around 10:30AM and I had to make an exchange at both Target and Carters before heading to Wal-mart and Sam's Club.  We stopped and had lunch at Wendy's after I made my exchanges and I got us all Frosty's.  That was the highlight of the kids' day.  Grocery shopping with a tired 1 year old is not always the best idea but it really needed to be done.  We got home at 2PM and Alanna went straight down for nap.  The rest of the day we spent doing some chores, playing outside in the water, and then Ruy had his last night of Awanas.  It was water night so he got to go and play in an awesome blow up water slide.  He did so well in Awanas this year, Nathan and I are so proud of him.  He got through his first two books and started his third book.  He worked really hard on memorizing all his verses and really enjoyed his first year.  He's sad it's over and is already talking about next year.

Friday was a cold (high of 57)  wet, rainy day.  It has been in the upper 80's the rest of the week so it was so strange to wake up to it being so cold.  The boys put on their jackets and played with bubbles on the front porch for a while in the morning.  Then we went to the Children's museum for about 1.5 hours just so they weren't inside all day.  I made a huge batch of pancakes to take to the beach so I wouldn't have to make them there, and I also made up another batch of homemade greek yogurt.  The kids spent most of the day playing legos, blocks, dress up, reading, doing puzzles, and things like that.  When it stopped raining finally around 5PM, the boys went outside in their boots and played for a little bit.  We ate delicious Chicken Noodle Soup for dinner (recipe coming soon) and then Liam drew up a "treasure map" and walked around following me around telling me all about his treasure and where it was buried.  It was really cute.  He wants me to bury a treasure for him to find.  If it's not raining this weekend, that might be something I'll have to do.  After I got Liam and Alanna to bed, Ruy and I snuggled up and ate yummy buttery popcorn while watching National Treasure.  It was fun!

Today was packing day!!!  I spent most of the day packing.  We went to Kroger this morning to get a few last minute things that I forgot to get.  Then I realized when I got home that I had forgotten to get dog food again.  So after Alanna's nap we went to Wal-mart.  I had a list of about four things and somehow still managed to forget the dog food again!!!  There's something wrong with me apparently.  My hubby is out right now at 9:30PM buying the dog food.  We have mostly everything packed and waiting by the front door except for our bathroom bag and the food that needs to go in the cooler, and a few other things that we had to use tonight, like our fans.  I made a breakfast casserole (I'll share the recipe soon) and have it waiting in the frig so that all I have to do in the morning it stick it in the oven.  Nathan wants to be on the road by 9AM so that's what we're shooting for.  So, I'm going to finish up this post then try to get to bed by 10PM because Alanna woke me up at 5:30 this morning and tomorrow is going to be a super busy day! 

Ah!  I'm so excited.  I can't believe vacation is finally here!!! 

So good night and I hope you all have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!!!

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