Nathan's Birthday

This past Saturday (May 16)  was my husband's birthday.  Ruy had a baseball game that afternoon which was totally fantastic for Nathan because he's an assistant coach and baseball is just about one of his favorite things so he was happy to spend some of his birthday on the field.  Ruy played a great game and they won against a very good team so both Nathan and Ruy were very happy.  Nathan said that was one of the greatest birthday presents ever.  Can you believe I didn't remember to take any pictures at the game???  I must be pregnant and busy chasing two little kids around or something. 

After the game we headed home and let the boys watch a movie and cool off because it was SO hot outside and Ruy had been out in the heat for over three hours straight.  Alanna took a nap and I caught up on some blogging.  After we all cooled off and rested up, we took a few birthday pictures and then we headed out to dinner. 

A few things about these pictures...

1. It's pretty much impossible to get everyone looking at the camera at the same time, so it's a good thing that I like real moments, real emotion better than posed smiles. 

2.  Alanna was not sure what she thought about these party hats....

 ... as you can tell by this picture :)

3.  Liam was completely happy to wear his party hat all night even through dinner.  But that's no surprise since he has a slight obsession with hat.

4.  Ruy is getting way too big and totally needs to stop growing up so fast!

And 5.  I'm so lucky to be married to such an awesome man!!!

 We had planned on going to Nathan's favorite restaurant, a Mongolian BBQ place, but when we got there it had been closed down.  We were all very sad.  Nathan decided that we would go to Capital Ale house instead, which ended up being really great.  There was no wait, which was super surprising since it was 6:30 on a Saturday night.  We asked to sit outside since it felt great in the shade and also so the kids could be a little louder without disrupting anyone's dinner.  The kids love Capital Ale's twisty ties that they have for the kids and that kept them entertained for a long time.  Alanna had more fun stabbing a lemon with a pen...whatever works right! :)  But no kids cried, no kids screamed, no kids spilled any drinks.  No kids tried to jump out of their seats, no kids threw their plates on the floor, and they all loved their food.  It was great!  Well Alanna and Liam mainly just ate their french fries and their ice cream sandwiches (free ice cream with kids meals) but sometimes french fries for dinner just have to be ok.  It was one of the most un-stressful, most relaxing, and enjoyable dinners we've had as a family at a restaurant.  My younger sister works there so she spent some time chatting with us at our table and helping get us anything we needed.  The kids loved seeing their "Auntie".  

We went home and had cheesecake and sang Happy Birthday to Nathan.  Then we got all the kids tucked into bed and watched a little of a movie.  I couldn't make it past 10:30PM though so we only got through about half the movie.  

It was a really fun day.  I'm so thankful that I got to celebrate another birthday with the love of my life. 

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