A Hat & Some Crocs

Some children have a blanket they keep with them at all times, others carry a stuffed animal...
Liam wears a hat and crocs.

It all started last Spring.  I bought both the boys straw hats from Crazy 8.  When I first tried to get Liam to wear the hat while we were in the store, he wanted NOTHING to do with it.  He screamed and kept throwing it on the floor.  I bought it anyway because we were heading to the beach in a few days and I didn't want him to get burned.  I called my sister and told her I wasn't sure what to do because he didn't want to wear the hat.  Her advice was pretty simple..."You tell him NO.  You will wear the hat."  I know, I should have thought of that myself! :)  So, I decided to get him used to the hat before we went to the beach.  He tried to throw it off but after a few firm "nos" and me pulling his hands away from the hat and making him leave it on, he got the point and left it alone.  I had no idea how much he would fall in love with the hat after that moment.

Once he decided to leave the hat on, there was barely a time when he wanted it off.  If he had it off, it was usually because I had purposefully put it out of his site, or told him we needed to leave it at home.

I don't remember exactly when it happened, but at some point he decided to switch from wearing his hat to wearing Ruy's hat.  Ever since he made that decision, he will not let Ruy (or pretty much anyone else for that matter) touch the hat.  Ruy had stopped wearing his hat after the beach so it didn't really bother him when Liam started wearing it.  Ruy hasn't really ever been big into hats unless it was baseball season.  

 He started loving his crocs back in September when I pulled them out of the "shoe box".  I kept all of Ruy's old shoes and thankfully, Liam has fit into almost all of them.  (Ruy loved his crocs about the same way Liam loves them.) The funny thing is, he likes to wear them on the wrong feet.  I will even sit them in front of his feet the right way, and he will cross his feet over and put them on wrong anyway. 

He wakes up every morning wanting his hat and his crocs on.  He is sad when he has to take them off for nap time, and if he can't find them after his nap, I hear him walking around the house saying in a very distressed voice "Mommy, where my hat?  Where my crocs?"  And he will repeat asking for them over and over again, his voice getting more and more upset, until we find them.

His hat is getting pretty worn out.  I am planning on getting him a new one this Spring.  I have a feeling he will not want to part with this one though. It has kind of become a part of him.  And even though I have missed seeing his adorable curls...
I will never forget how much I love this sweet little boy in his  
hat & crocs

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