Lost Hat

Saturday morning Liam, Alanna, and I headed to the mall to get my ring from the jewelry store.  We spent a few hours there after picking up my ring, and while walking around, I suddenly realized that Liam did not have his hat on any more.  I went back to every store we had been in but I could not find it.  I assumed some other little boy had picked it up and it was gone.  I thought maybe Liam would be ok without it, and I could either get him a new hat, or this could be the end of him wearing his hat all the time...I was wrong!

When we got out to the van, Liam asked for his hat.  I explained to him that we had lost it, and that I had tried to find it, but I didn't know where it was.  He seemed ok and went down for a nap when we got home without asking for it again.  When he got up from his nap, he immediately asked in a very panicked voice "where's my hat?"  I told him "we lost it baby!"  Now, this means nothing to a two year old who's hat is like a security blanket to him.  He continued to cry for his hat, which ended up turning into screaming for his hat.  I knew I had to find his hat.  I got up, and called several of the stores we had been at earlier.  When I called Old Navy, the man who answered said that no one had turned it in, but he went to look for it.  It was there!!!  It was hidden behind some shirts where Liam had been looking.  
So at 6PM, we headed back to the mall, in the rain to get Liam's hat.  He was so happy when the man at Old Navy gave it to him. 

All is right in Liam's world again!

(This picture was taken back in December 2013, but I thought it was so fitting for this post)

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