Moving Alanna To Her Room

 Alanna's crib has been in my room since she was born.  I have always attempted to lay her in her bed first at night time before putting her in bed with me.  If she wouldn't fall asleep or she woke up as soon as I laid her down, I would just put her in bed with me.  If she did stay asleep after I laid her down, she would just get in bed with me once she woke up the first time.  I don't have the energy to sit up at night nursing her and trying to get her back to sleep.  It's so much easier just to put her in my bed, nurse her, and go back to sleep while she nurses.  

Alanna has been a really good sleeper since she was about 8 weeks old.  That's when she started taking her morning nap and afternoon nap pretty consistently. At night time she was going to bed in her crib most nights and sleeping about 3 hours before getting into bed with me.
About 2 weeks ago, she started sleeping 8 hours straight at night almost every night. The first night she slept that long I jumped out of bed to check on her and make sure she was still breathing!  Neither of my boys slept through the night until they were much much older (Ruy was 2.5 & Liam was 1.5), so it has been a nice change to have a baby that sleeps well at night.  I decided to move her crib into her room 3 days ago.  I felt it would be good for Nathan and I to have our space back.  
She did not sleep very well the first night because the night-light was too bright and her favorite blanket was in the wash.  She only slept about 3 hours before getting into bed with me.  But after adjusting the lighting, and giving her her blanket, she slept almost 8 hours both nights.  It has felt strange going to bed knowing she is in a completely different room, but overall it has been a good transition. 

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