Procrastination almost cost me a diamond & $500

About two weeks ago, Nathan and I were laying on our bed talking.  I held my left hand up in the air while I was talking about something (I have a hard time talking without using my hands) when I diamond had fallen out of my wedding ring!!!  

You can imagine the horrible, terrible, most awful feelings that were going through me!  My ring is my favorite gift from Nathan.  I did not want to have to replace my diamond with another diamond.  It would not be the original diamond he gave me.  It would not be the same!

Then another terrible feeling came over me...guilt!  You see, with the company Nathan purchased my ring from, if I got it inspected once every six months, they would cover loss of a diamond at no charge to me.  The problem was, I hadn't had it inspected in almost two years!  And to make it worse, Nathan had just asked me about a week prior to this, to PLEASE get my ring inspected.  He is always asking me to take it in and get it inspected but I just either don't think about it, or if I do, I never feel like taking the time to wait for it...even though it only takes a few minutes.  

I knew I had lost it that day because I look at me ring frequently throughout the day, and I didn't notice anything until that Thursday evening.  I had been home all day, so I assumed I had lost it in the house somewhere.  Nathan went to sweep the house but I had already swept the entire house that day, except for Alanna's room.  We spent the next day looking through the house, re-sweeping, Nathan went through the trash bag to see if he could find it, and he even went through the vacuum cleaner bag!  No diamond though. 

A week passed and I finally made it into the jewelry store to find out how much it was going to cost to get the diamond replaced.  It was going to cost $500!  That's exactly what I had thought it would cost.  I decided not to have it sent off that day because I wanted to check with Nathan on what he wanted me to do before paying that much money.  I called him after I left the mall.  He told me to "go ahead and pay the $500 to get my ring back to where it needed to be, and to please from now on, keep up with the inspection."  It would have been easier I think, if Nathan had been upset with me.  But he handled it all so calmly.  He didn't keep reminding me that if I hadn't procrastinated so bad, that none of this would have happened.  He told me once that I should have kept up with it and then let it go.  I'm so thankful he is so good to me!  

A few more days passed.  I hadn't had a chance to get back up to the mall to have my ring sent out.  Nathan had just got home from his part-time job one evening, when he went into Alanna's room to rock her.  When he sat down in the diamond fell onto the floor!!!  He came out of the room so excited saying "Lauren, look!!!"  You can imagine how happy both of us were!  I was so happy I had not sent the ring off a few days prior.  Nathan took my ring in and they sent it off to be fixed, at no charge to us.

God is so good! 

Moral of this story...
Don't procrastinate

I have been pretty convicted since this incident.  I am working on not procrastinating so much any more. 

{Ephesians 5:15-17}
Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.

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